Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

That’s the sad truth about America.
Money runs our Politics, Billions spent on Politics is a second kind of a stock market.
So we have America as a playground for rich and famous while the working stiffs among us have only a vote every 4 years to say his/her peace.
But…working stiff has to work 2 jobs to survive and has no time to educate and inform them self. So when they vote half of the votes are useless.
Look at today…people are scraping to survive day to day, you think they have time and energy to educate them self?
NOONE picks up a book on an empty stomach and collection cos chassing after him.
I am sure of it.
That’s why Biden can let inflation blossom , legalize drugs to keep us stupid and noone will blame HIM.
He’s done it by design.
It took 4 freeken years to finaly see that King Has No Cloths.
Now you see why.

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Great to see there is something we can agree on.

But do you really think anything will change with a Republican administration? I can respect your opinions that there are aspects of life/society which will improve under a Trump administration (and if nothing changes I am sure we will have the opportunity to see if that happens ) but fundamentally the system we have is fueled by individuals and corporations who want to make ALL politicians beholden to them.

Until that changes nothing of substance will change. It makes me quite depressed to think like that and does make someone question the point of voting. I hate thinking like this because I do think we all should be engaged in the process of selecting our representatives.

How are you different? “cOrpOraTioNs!” You work for a corporation.

Changes to what? Who should have the hegemony?

Of course things would change with Republicans in charge.
If conditions are better from day to day to a person he/she has more time to relax and think straight and devote more time to educating them self and make better choices.
When someone wants to conquer and enslave a healthy Society they cause a turmoil, difficult living conditions etc. so while sane people are strugling to survive behind the scenes evil is changing things and noone notices.
That’s why the Left today causes and tolerates all the difficulties that affect our life.
High crime, invasion on the border, high cost of living, ludocrous laws they put in place…so they can ’ Fundamentaly Transform America’, as Obama said on his forst day.
You tell me…America was unique and prosperous for Centuries…WHY does ANYONE want her to be ‘Fundamentally Transformed’.
WHY would anyone want to kill a goose that lays golden eggs?
For POWER and only for power NOT for a Joe blow on the street.
Can’t you see that?


Now they can prosecute this criminal for his crimes in just 6 short months.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…

According to all the dims and media, this was joe’s decision to make. And so far, none of the dims are willing to say he has diminished capacities.

Sounds like this criminal is ready to stand trial beginning January 21, 2025.

Thanks lawfare!!!

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I am all for it but …shhh…shhh…It’s not happening.
No reasonable prosecutor/courts will prosecute him, [to steal the idea from Comey].
These are the gangs of crooks that infected Mother USA and we just …[to steal a quote fron CNN]…we just need to SIT DOWN AND TAKE IT. !!!
In a Bannana Republic that’s how it’s done and we let it in here.

Once the coronation of Queen Kamala is complete, everything is point to Biden being forced to resign.