Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

Nobody is perfect…
Look at the duffus you have in the White House… :scream_cat: :roll_eyes: :dancer: :clap: :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl:

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With all the nonsense that goes around USA I can mistakenly believe ALL kinds of stuff.

And yes he deserves if he does a good job.

Only deserved if earned by reelection.

this president earns $400,000 per year salary as president…

do we think he is limited to $400,000 per month from interest, investments, foreign “donors” ect.?

Wonder how much china is paying him?


That’s a great question.

We should ask every president that.

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Wasn’t comer supposed to tell us the answer to that already.

He scheduled a press conference and everything

A year ago.

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The FBI is withholding information?

The dickens you say.

Next they will be sitting on an incriminating laptop or something.


They are? That’s weird. I heard Congress has oversight of them.



China has lodged a. complaint with the WTO against Biden Administration industrial policy

Does that influence you view of the Biden is doing China’s bidding or are the actions that China actually takes unimportant to your assessment?

On paper yes, but it’s hard to have influence over an agency that has a dossier on most of the members of Congress. :wink:

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What are those Congress members doing that the FBI would have dossiers?

Sleeping with chinese spies?

Hiring a chinese spy as a chauffeur?

Hiding gold bars and cash in their clothing?


We know about those things though.

Also Menendez is under criminal indictment.

Wouldn’t we all like to know. :wink:

He was too stupid for the FBI to care about blackmailing. :wink:

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Trump is the only one who, you can see so easily if you’re true to yourself, who obviously loves this country.
I absolutely have no doubt about that.

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I don’t think Trump is any more or any less patriotic than other politicians.

Never really cares for pols who drape themselves in the flag (figuratively speaking) but perhaps that is a cultural difference. The UK has a very different approach to elections. Not better not worse just different.

And refuses to hand over stuff they subpoena.