Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

Actually it was pretty good with Trump as President.

Then the COVID death tracker arrived and we have been a mess ever since.

China was not very helpful with stopping the outbreak.

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I just watched the video of that jayapal however you spell her name woman’s questioning of Mr Hur the other day. Hadn’t seen it…

She flat out lied about him “exonerating” the senile old man in chief…when Hur corrected her (that’s confusing) and pointed out that exoneration does not show up anywhere in his report….she started talking over him with the classic “reclaiming my time this is my time”…

In other words don’t interrupt me while I’m lying my ass off.

I waiver back and forth in which hard left kook fringe Dems are the most disgusting but she’s definitely top 10…probably top 5!


Every time you people say Hur, I hear, “HuuRRrrRRrrRRrrRR!!” as in:


Stop it! :rofl:


Which did what for peace in the Middle East ?


Love how the administration that shall not be named gets ignored. Putin carpet bombed Chechnya and invaded Georgia during the gop presidency that all of you adamantly supported.

But of course that never happened. :joy: the shortest of memories

Putin didn’t pull out of Ukraine when Trump became president. Peace in our times!

Uh … Chechnya and Georgia are Russian Republics. What you are describing is a rebellion or civil war. You know, like what was going on in eastern Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion.

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Made Hamas desperate.


Fool me once shame on you…
Fool me twice … :wink:

What? Georgia is a separate country since the. 90s. They are not a republic of anything in 2008.

Chechnya tried to proclaim independence only to be carpet bombed.

All during a Republican presidential admin

Russia still didn’t pull out Ukraine during the Trump admin

The whole argument is silly.

Exactly. Unintended consequences?

Usually. Most people don’t realize the enemy gets a vote.

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So much stonewalling.

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Good point from you.
Now name me ONE President who forfited 400 000 bucks times 48 months that would be times 96 months if he was given the second term which he by all accounts DESERVED.
50 Millions would pay now for a lot of Laticia’s “fines”.

A heck if a lot more then leaving terrorists billions of dollars in brand new American weapons.

Right. These weapons are everywhere according to you. In Russia in the Middle East. Everywhere. And no need for proof. You smart peeps just know it’s there.


You think that biden gave them billions of dollars worth of American weapons and ammunition and it’s sll just sitting in some warehouse somewhere.


You guys really do live in your own little bubble don’t you?

The President makes $400,000 a year, not a month.

You think the President earns $400k a month???

And if you think Trump ran for President out of civic duty then you are naive beyond belief.

Btw no President DESERVES a second term.

:scream_cat: :rofl: :clap: :dancer: :clap: :dancer: :rofl: :popcorn:

Surprisingly incoherent, even from you