Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

He’s giving the same speech he gave today at the fundraiser he was at.

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Probably busy at the pool. :rofl: :face_vomiting:

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Honestly, I’m worried about him and the country. I’m also really angry at him and the Democrat Party for putting him in office.

When I was younger I hoped that he wouldn’t become president based on how terrible of a person he seemed.

Ironically, now that he’s old and senile he seems to have mellowed out.

He’s lying, plain and simple.

President of Mexico??? What the heck??

Now he is going to trash Israel.

Now it’s a showdown. Get Trump off the ballot or behind bars and put Biden in the retirement home. I’m good with both at this point.


America should be embarrassed that that man is the president…

What a disaster.

And yes he’s lying. He always lies.


“You got to slovenbury happenglance when you stuffengeryy depants Magellan.”


He says he’s competent.

Charge him now.



She is. Bigly. :rofl:


His words in the news conference said he was competent. His mannerisms not so much. It didn’t look like the normally fawning journalists were buying it either.
Anybody else get a sort of sympathetic feeling when he talks of “please don’t say something embarrassing” even though politically you know it would be better if he did?


It’s also time for hurr to release the transcript/audio/video of biden’s 5 hour interview.

Not some chopped up sentences from the report.

Let’s see how many times Shower Daddy couldn’t recall something.

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He wouldn’t even let them ask a question before he angrily interrupted each one and talked over them.

Not a good look after calling for that.


Yep! I feel sorry for him, for the country, but more infuriated at the people who shoved him out there to lie to the whole world on behalf of the country.

I’m just gonna say now…This is gonna be REEEEAALLLYYYYY FUNNY further down the road.


That was weak.

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The other guy should not be a lawyer, much less special counsel.

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Don’t worry, mouthpiece KJP is on it.


She/they/them/he/it might as well just stand at the podium, bite her lip and stare at the wall in front of her. …… is basically useless.