Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

Yep…will never quilify for a Pope.
Let me remind you that half of the Pope elfs were child molesters and even Madam Theresa rode around in a Mercedes, she didn’t hop on an ass.

Plus…half of what you listed is created by fraud against HIM.
And…yes…we need an SOB to fight corruption on the Left.
Mr. Nice Guy would be burried long ago…so yes…the worse you paint him the better he looks.
Christian values…HUH…?
What Christian values you see in Biden?
On top of every fraud and treason he commited he is surrounded by crooks and worse of all, his whole cabinet is dead bulbs in a chandelier.

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:rofl: :upside_down_face: :rofl: :upside_down_face: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

Just you wait when they throw a parade in his honor on his way out and start naming streets and bridges after him.

Throw in a sippy cup, Mr. President.

I agree, and Trump is showing obvious decline in mental competence. (But not as bad as Biden.)

Republicans did but they rejected all other options.

I’m not close to that age group, but every 80-year-old that I’ve ever met has shown some physical and mental decline. Even the sharpest and fittest 80-years-olds are not fit to fly airplanes or perform brain surgery, and they shouldn’t be president either.

Exploitation of children, 85,000 are “missing”
Human and drug trafficking
Care to add any more “Christian values”?

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Nope. Liable is not found guilty. There is a different standard of proof.

I will have an unpolished, in need of speach lessons Trump any day before a corrupt, treasonous LIAR like Biden.

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Republicans need to zip it.


They can’t. No self control.

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This is my favorite thread.

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Biden is a sick lying pervert always has been. With no Christian values. The pervert sits in church every Sunday while supporting the killing of the most innocent of Gods children.


Then why did you make the point of building a false flag argument about Trump benefiting financially from his Presidency? That was an awful lot of nonsense to go through to attack Trump when you don’t (allegedly) want Biden either. Maybe if you would just stick to the facts instead of conjuring up ■■■■ and editorializing on it, we might believe you.


How about “Suffer little children to come unto me,”


In the long run he is benefitting. His hotels certainly got business they would not otherwise have got. My gosh you are taking this a bit personally. Do you consider Trump a close family friend?

I get it, Trump is beyond reproach and a philanthropist of the first degree. His Presidency was a example to all future administrations in thought, action and deed.

Sounds a lot like Democrats in 2020. And now the best option they can suggest is Kamala (who is "ready to serve. :neutral_face: )

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Oh … So now we are adding “physical” to the equation? Name one person who has not declined physically since age 35 (min age to be POTUS). How about you? Are you not in decline?


True, but I didn’t want Biden to win the nomination in 2020, and you won’t hear me calling for President Harris. It’s technically not too late to nominate Haley.