Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

I’m not adding it to the equation, mental fitness is much more important for a president than physical fitness. And yes, everyone declines physically and mentally over time. That’s my point. These two geezers are too old and have declined too much to be president.

Or Tulsi

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Well then, I guess you are screwed.

No, you added it. We … you … were talking about memory.

You live in the US too, don’t you?

I’ll say it again since I guess you missed it:

Yes … We are in the same boat. But we were discussing your comments.

I’m pretty sure God frowns on pathological lying!


If Trump wins I will wish him the best and hope he can keep it together and prove me wrong, same as Biden. But I think we would all be better off with different options on the ballot.

Brandon already lost it.


How much business did Trump’s business’s lose to all the boycotts? How may events changed venues because of the Trump name on them? Libs wanted/want to shut his business’s down.


You know this for certain?

What we do know is that he claims to be Catholic in spite of his contrary view of abortion.

Wasn’t Pelosi refused communion for that?


Well yeah… since they won’t charge him. They gave him a get out of jail free card.


I am a practicing Catholic, do not think abortion should be illegal and I take communion. As are many practicing Catholics.

Your Priest is negligent.


I am guessing but I think they’ll put Hillary in with Harris.
That would be the best circus the World has ever seen but Democrats never fail to amuse. Hillary or Newsom.
Biden will " sprain an ankle " or " retire to spend more time with family and Major ".

You called that basket of bull ■■■■ “options”? :rofl:

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Rightly so imo.