Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes


Do you think his businesses would not have been profitable between 2016 and 2020 had he not been President? Were they making money or losing money before he was elected?

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C’mon man, quit moving the goalposts. The accusation was that he profited heavily because he was in office. The math disproves that. Furthermore, you have no idea how well the Trump conglomerate would have done had he not been President. He very well could have lost tens, perhaps hundreds, of millions because he was not at the helm.


“Worthy” is not the same thing as “competent.” Trump may be less worthy of the job than Biden, but he is considerably more competent. That is the choice that matters.


That’s one perspective. Another is: 40 years on the public dole, neither accomplishing nor contributing anything in particular to the common good vs. 40 years of entrepreneurial endeavors adding billions to the GDP of the country.


So because he did not require his taxpayer provided salary to make ends meet you hold that against him. What an odd way of looking at it. :thinking:

It’s not about age, it’s about mental competence.

But who knows, maybe Trump will be as dotty as Biden currently is in four years … time will tell.

I presume you mean no one over 75 should run for President. I presume that you don’t think that a seated President should be chucked out the door on their 75th Birthday (like the FAA does Airline pilots) do you? That could cause all sorts of serious problems.

An upper age limit on candidates for President would require a Constitutional Amendment, however, given what is going on now, I think it could be accomplished. Term limits on Congress, however, are extremely unlikely. A Bill to Amended the Constitution to that effect (I agree with your terms) would be virtually impossible to pass in either chamber let alone both.

Do we have a choice not to?

Being in that age group myself … lots of them … perhaps most of them.

Jordan is apparently going to go after the transcript of the interview with Biden. It’s kind of like requesting the DOJ to hand over the election platform for the Republicans for free.

I choose option B for the win.

You are correct.

I know that term limits are a pipe dream unless there is a massive public outcry …

That said all I can do is offer my opinion and I will always believe that the professional political class needs to be cut down to size if we are to solve the problems facing our country.

The Joe Biden’s Chuck Schumer’s and yes the Mitch McConnell’s of the world are far more part of the problem than the solution.

Unfortunately, most of the outcry over term limits is over term limits on the other guy’s representatives. Most of the electorate thinks their guy should stay as long as they want. That’s why incumbency is such a tremendous advantage in elections.

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She sounds drunk off her ass in this tossed salad of words.

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So then WHY bring it up if you think [wrongfully] that Trump did it too.
All others CAN but Trump Can’t ?
I often say something silly here but I always finish it with a :dancer: :clap: so that people know I am horsing around.

Show me who before him, or after, donated 20 Millions to the People and had NOT received even a thank you note or at least a plaque on the wall.

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Yep…and what irks ME is that NOONE even mentioned it during those 4 years. He didn’t even ask that it be given to a charity of his chosing.
And look how he was repaid. !!!
Half of the people in this country have no class and no respect for others, and even THEMSELFes.


:upside_down_face: :rofl: :rofl:
What Trump did was legal, he tried, he failed, he pulled him self by his boot-straps and tried AGAIN. That’s what EVERY business person does, that’s the AMERICAN way.

What Joe did, AND still does was/is ILLEGAL, pure greed and treasonous…that’s the American Greed, movies are made out of it.


Biden is a LIAR, always has been.
Now that he doesn’t have a fuse on his mouth and a working compas and a GPS in his head it all comes out like an avalanch.