Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

he is the OG of fraudsters. thats why they go so hard on trump.

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One guy has teleprompters and still manages to say he meets with dead people, and the other may make a gaffe here and there but doesnt use a teleprompter.

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I ve said dozens of times no one over 75 should be president. We need to term limit and age limit.

No one over 75…
No congressperson should serve more than 4 two year terms…
No Senator more than 2 six year terms.

Now…that said my choices for President this year are…

An 81 year old incumbent who’s done a terrible job and who the special counsel just determined did in fact break the law in his mishandling of classified information but is too old, senile, and forgetful to stand trial….

And his predecessor who at 77 is far more vibrant vigorous energetic and with it than Mr Biden. To steal a favorite liberal lie…you all need Trump to have degenerated as much as Biden but that is clearly not the case…

We can compare the two men’s presidencies and see that one was far better, Trump’s than the other from a policy standpoint.

What I might want…an age limit…is not my option. I live in the real world.

My options are the 77 year old who imho is a very energetic 77 who’s presidency was good for the country - or an 81 year old lifelong corrupt o crat who’s presidency has been an American disaster.

Easy choice.


I haven’t seen any Official Government Investigative Reports from joe biden’s DOJ stating that trump is “an elderly man with a poor memory”.

You got anything like that??


Funny how many dimocrats, including Kringe today, keep saying that “robert hur isn’t a doctor”.

Well neither is Kringe or the other dims out defending Old Forgetful.

You are just embarrassing yourself now. I am sure if every time I talked about Trump I referred to him as the sexual assaulter you would not take me seriously.

I get banter and piss taking but sometimes I wish we could raise the bar of the political discussion here. And yeah I know I am not innocent in this.

There’s a bottom line to all of this.

Joe Biden is not mentally competent to serve as the president of the United States.

He had no business possessing the documents he possessed…they were stored in tattered boxes next to other assorted household crap in his garage…yet he possessed them.

Either he is liable to the law … or he’s too old and infirm to be held liable for his actions.

The thought of the cackling fool Kamala Harris being called Madam President is pretty scary…

But Joe Biden needs to be removed from office …
If he’s too infirm to be held responsible for his actions he’s damn sure too infirm to have access to the nuclear codes.


Yep have to agree we cannot have it both ways. Time for Biden to resign or at the very least announce he is not running for re-election then prosecute.

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I agree that Trump seems slightly more youthful and with it right now. But like I said, he’s the same age Biden was in 2020. Do we want another 80±year-old president?

No, but that doesn’t mean Trump isn’t “an elderly man with poor memory.” How many 80-year-olds do you know with excellent memories? They’re both too old.

Good post.

Well FBI interrogators said Biden has been on the decline since 2017, so Hur is only adding on to what the FBI already said. Its disingenuous to only lay this at the feet of Hur. It even said it took Biden forever to answer questions and he stumbled and muttered and it started to frustrate the interrogators.

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Not really, but at this point Trump is the nominee.

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If he does not run then he is admitting his mind is deteriorating, if he does run again, then thats when I would slap on the charges. Either way Biden is flirting with danger.

Of his ghost writer? :wink:


LOL reading that was hilarious too!

Hell, the memes are more intellectual than most libs.

Look how they fall apart in the presence of one after splashing their virtuous diarrhea all over the internet. :rofl:


The ultimate in lib aspirations. They all wish they could suck that hard. :rofl:


The mere fact you have skirted over all the libs posting here giving trump names to be soooo upset with me talking about the present idiot in office is very telling. That is what you should consider embarrassing.
I do appreciate you being open enough to include yourself towards doing better

How can you accuse me of not being a “giving type” when you acknowledge that we engaged in a “give 'n take”? Or are you under the impression that you were doing all of the giving? :stuck_out_tongue: