Mueller to testify July 17

You sound like the Queen of Hearts. "There’s evidence. There’s evidence. I don’t need to show it to you. But it’s definitely there! Off with his head! "

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More excuses…like i dont know game paul…try something original that hasnt been done on this board a 100 times.

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Ted Cruz.

No, there isn’t evidence. There is a list of “conducts” that could be construed as excuses for political attacks if one was so inclined. Mueller knows those aren’t obstruction.

My favorite is Mueller claiming the talk of firing Mueller was possibly obstruction. :rofl:

If there was plenty of evidence Mueller would have said so and charged someone with collusion, conspiracy or obstruction.

Your “read the report” schtick is getting old. :roll_eyes:

Amen! :rofl:

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This is a laugh. So not reading it is better than reading it? It seems to be this way on many topics. Gopers have words, but little substance.

Exactly. The dems seem to believe that Mueller will present them with all of the evidence that he held back that would prove guilt. It’s their fantasy. Evidence may be revealed, but its probably not the kind of evidence that Shifty or Nads want to hear about.

Just because Teflon Don didn’t get charged doesn’t mean nothing was wrong. Mueller did not give him absolution.

how do you know?

I doubt you’ve read it. Otherwise you would be able to cite portions of it to back up your outrageous outbursts. Maybe you have read Democrat talking points on the report.

There’s no proof of it. You see the way it works is you have to prove him guilty rather than me having to prove he is innocent.

Mueller won’t reveal any new evidence. He’s a good soldier. I think what the House Dems are hoping for – and what I’m hoping for – is that he makes a little clearer what his intentions were in his conclusions. Because if he thinks that they would have had enough to indict Trump on had he not have been president, I think you’ll say some definite movement by the House toward impeachment. I’m not sure he’ll say that, however. I hope he does, though.

You must have missed this thread I made. I’ve been reading and listening to it. I haven’t said much in this thread, but I did in that one.

You said he committed no crimes. The fact that he has yet to charged and convicted, doesn’t mean he didn’t commit any crimes.

He was investigated and not indicted.

Because we are entitled to the presumption of innocence. The report is out. And it will not be modified. He is innocent because he was not found guilty. That’s how it works in America.

He has the protection of his office. For now, anyway.

That would have been a real gotcha except for facts.

I hope you’re not the lookout.

ETA: I just checked. You had 20 posts in that thread. :laughing::laughing:

It sure as heck doesn’t mean he has. You guys are just hoping.