Mueller and his band of thugs may be in heap of trouble

Good times, can almost see the blood vessels bulging from his fat forehead.

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Has Mueller tried to block the request yet?

This is all fantastic.

It’s just starting.

Why are trump supporters defending this traitor?

You know, more and more, when I want a completely alternate reality, I just go to Fox News.

The lead article is this one. This story is what they thought was the most important piece of news going on in the world today.

It makes me so happy–not as happy as yesterday, yesterday was tripleplusgood, but today is at least doubleplus.

Turns out that wild-eyed desperation can be very, very funny.

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So unless you have become an overnight Trump supporter, I take it that in your mind “black” is something bad and evil. That is rather disturbing.

In contrast, Trump does not view black hearts as you do. In fact he prays with many right here.

“We will have more flexibility, after the election.”

And the day just got better.

Who’s muller?

I disagree. There is a running debate among astrophysicists about whether the singularity at the center of a black hole actually exists.

If Trump thinks this is a game, he’s in for a rude awakening.

Always the victim.

Well. That is probably (Redacted) meeting with Kilimnik

Or would that be someone else?


What lies were those?

Democrats ran on healthcare and jobs.

Republicans ran on evil caravans full of disease and terrorists from the middle east and MS-13. Republicans ran on Nancy Pelosi ruining the economy and being evil and Trump being pure as the driven snow.

The people determined that the Republicans and their scare tactics were full of bologna.

Not sure but I’m sure he’s going to stalk, make excuses etc. It seems to be standard SOP of corrupt CoJ and FBI.

He has the best words.

Get it right at least. It’s “25 or 6 to 4”


He needs to uninstall his google. No one should have any googles on their watches or phones or Nintendo’s.



The reaction on these very boards was priceless too.

The responses were magnificently overplayed.
