Mueller and his band of thugs may be in heap of trouble

Again, stop spreading falsehoods. What they actually said, was that his body language did not give the appearance of a man who was lying. They knew he was lying, and they were amazed that he did not exhibit some of the typical signals of a person who is lying. Which means he was nothing more than a really good liar. The interviewing agents did not state that he was not lying. Just that he did not exhibit body language signs of someone lying. Which they found odd, because they knew for a fact he was lying. As did he, since he plead guilty to lying and has worked extensively with Mueller and other investigators across multiple investigations and criminal probes.

It is amazing how little people actually know about this stuff, yet profess to be informed. :rofl:


so cryptic…lol

I still chuckle that posters here and other die hard Trumpers donated to Flynn’s defense fund. That money has helped Mueller find some of the dirt on Trump Co.


Again, the special prosecutors office is asking for zero jail time… I suggest you do a google (or whatever “non-biased” search engine you prefer) of “sullivan flynn standard instruction” and see how many of these same stories were written in December 2017 and February of this year…

They tortured the guy with prosecution for two years… If we have justice, someone should pay. Lots of Hillary aids lied to the FBI… None were prosecuted…

Any day now… Collusion proof…

Why is this standard instruction by Judge Sullivan being brought up again? Here is a Reuters story on the same instruction from Dec 2017


Here is Napolitano back in Feb… Unheard of

Or how about Byron York…

“Unusual turn…”

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I know you’re like the mathiest math guy ever on this forum, but were you aware that 26 > 9?

Wowweee! Down the rabbit hole you went…:rofl:

Not being able to understand people are different, and things that make one person happy can make another upset depending on their born personality, is why dems want to use govt to enforce sameness though out the land… It’s a lack of empathy…

Certainly Jeb would be crying like a liberal, but not Trump…

While I do not remember the extreme demonization you want to say happened, maybe people were on to something.

25 to 6 or 4 is just as relevant.

Trump will never be happy. He’s trying to fill that little black heart with validation and material things. It never works. He’s miserable. I’d feel sorry for him if he didn’t make everyone else so miserable too.

It’s a which* hunt!


  • Which member of Trump’s administration will be indicted next…

Is he trying to block the judge’s request?

He is back to the old reliable … sad! Like a warm blankie…

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Oh yes, he sure looks like he’s having a great time. :rofl:

As a side note, I highly recommend the podcast Bagman to hear about the case against Spiro Agnew. I learned so much new information. After listening, it is hard not to see parallels between then and now.

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