Mueller and his band of thugs may be in heap of trouble

No seriously lol sound it out , real slow try it tell me what you get hahahahaa

Still waiting for you to explain who or what a muller is.

Isn’t that the hairstyle those metal rockers wore.

Did you sound it out? Give it a hard try let me know

You can’t target people and investigate them because you lost the election… that’s not how it works… mueller is going to jail and it’s to bad, he was a stand up guy but he let his hate take over

Have you seen this: :wink:

Explain to me how he’s a thug again?

Why does Mueller hate Trump? What’s his motive, bud?

Ouch! Constantly lying and being the leader of the most corrupt administration in history will do that to you.

Golf club membership fees. It’s all it takes for a man on the edge with a shady past to snap.

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It’s when you cheat at golf by taking the same shot twice I think.

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You’re having a bad dream. Please someone. Shake the man and wake him up.

Some supporters are running out of excuses for Teump’s actions.

This response keeps getting trotted out, but it’s an obvious mischaracterisation.

What they said is that it didn’t seem like he was lying during his interview. A lot of law enforcement types believe they can spot when a suspect is lying to them (in reality they can’t, it’s been tested a few times and they frequently get it wrong), and Flynn didn’t set off any alarm bells for them.

After the interview was finished they checked whether he did lie in any of his responses, and he had.

That law enforcement so often goes on their ‘gut feeling’ as to whether a suspect is lying to them is actually quite a big problem.

Here is Comey’s statement: “What I recall telling the House Intelligence Committee is that the agents observed none of the common indicia of lying — physical manifestations, changes in tone, changes in pace — that would indicate the person I’m interviewing knows they’re telling me stuff that ain’t true,” Comey said. “They didn’t see that here. It was a natural conversation, answered fully their questions, didn’t avoid. That notwithstanding, they concluded he was lying.”


FIrst of all, congratulations on learning how to spell “mueller”. Second of all, no one is being targeted because you lost the election…no one is being targeted because you won the election. People are being targeted because there is evidence and testimony that they broke the law. Are you against holding people accountable if they break the law?

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Checking in on Friday morning. Has Mueller tried to block the judge yet?

Who knows I’m not a mind reader bud lol

Someone just told me to watch for Mueller to be perp walked today. I feel like I should stay home from work so I can watch it live. Today will be historic.

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That would be awesome lol I would laugh my arse off haha

It won’t happen unless you wish hard enough for it. Wish Theman! Wish like you’ve never wished before!