More protests in the capitol building

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, House Minority Whip Katherine Clark and Rep. Pete Aguilar were inside as the clash between protesters and police sparked and turned violent, according to authorities.

Six officers were injured during the melee Wednesday evening and one person was arrested for allegedly punching a female officer

Evacuated! Melee! Attacking the protectors of the Temple of 'Mocracy!


There we go…

I wonder how many are college?


What? You brought to forum?

Critprogs sure are quiet about this 'surrection.


I started two threads in December of 2016, one on Comey and the FBI’s weaponization and the other on Hillary and what she was doing behind the scenes. Both went dormant for years and of course, that forum was discontinued. Now here “we” are years later and only now is it news. I wish there was a way to retrieve them? Wouldn’t that be fun?

You didn’t bring weaponizationing of alphabet agencies to this forum.

I think most people know who did.

And 2016 is over decade later. :wink:

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No offense my friend. I’ve participated in your “dismantling of the FBI” thread if that’s what you’re referring to but that doesn’t negate what I said, regarding the two threads in 2016. In fact, I attempted to reinstate the one by repeating it again in 2018 with this thread;

@conan has been doing it for decades.

I only came on board here in October of 2008…

That said, Conan and I are on the same side, pushing similar thoughts and I hope that will always be that way.

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nothing will ever be as important as what is posted on this board and who posted it.


This one’s "D’ifferent" of course! :roll_eyes:

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You just said the taliban was stronger than the USA.

Why does this offend you?

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Pretty quiet on the lefty front.

Paging AOC. Paging AOC.

Talib? Talib? Talib?

Omar? Omar? Omar?



A whole lot of protests. And not a whole lot of condemning Hamas. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Must be why you’re here.

Why do you feel I’m offended?


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I assumed you posted it because it offended you.

Then am I to take it that you posted it because you agree with the sympathizers, since you believe the Taliban is stronger than the USA?

Get out of your fee fees and buy some objectivity. Wrapping yourself in the flag won’t change the current state of the US military.

And you can’t technology toy your way out of these conflicts.

The US military ran out of Afghanistan with its tail between its legs and its allies hanging off the outside of planes. That is the last operation in which it was involved.

It is beat up. Non-combat effective. It can’t be fixed in a day. It takes years.

After Vietnam, it went silent from 1975 to about 1980. Then we started rebuilding.

It is in worse shape now than it was then.

In order to rebuild, you have to demo. Then you need material. Leadership. Right now it has neither.

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The problem in Afghanistan. was with the mission, not the military.

I know you think it’s edgy to be the vet who claims our armed forces are for ■■■■■ but it is you who lacks objectivity on this.

Kuwait, the invasion of Iraq - not the occupation, but the invasion - the invasion of Afghanistan - not the occupation - our air power in Syria, Libya, Bosnia…all objectively display a military force second to none.

That objective observation does not change if the force is misused for occupations.