More obstruction

It makes no difference, Donald will have neutralized the DEMOCRAT party and the foul media by 11/08/20! Thanks for finally dropping an actual date, True Americans everywhere now wait breathlessly for our great nation’s deliverance!

A simple resolution is all that is required. It’s just an inquiry.

When was the formal complaint of an alleged impeachable offense filed in the House, and by who?

Are you finally admitting Nancy Pelosi is on a fishing expedition searching for, or trying to invent, an impeachable offense against the President?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution . . . not a communist/socialist democracy!

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What is the impeachable offense, or offenses, being alleged?


Let us not forget Rep. Jerrold Nadler called the impeachment process against Clinton a “lynch mob.”

So, where is the link to the “simple resolution”. What does it say and who voted on it?


We all know who the whistleblower is. It’s shifty Schiff in drag.

Is this required by the constitution or federal statute? Who determines whether an impeachment inquiry is occurring? The courts or the house?

That is revealed in the articles of impeachment… prior to that the impeachment inquiry occurs… the house determines whether they are conducting an impeachment inquiry, nobody else determines this…

What, you think I’m a fly on the wall at the inquiry?

The question was:

When was the formal complaint of an alleged impeachable offense filed in the House, and by who?


We all know who the whistleblower is. It’s shifty Schiff in drag.

Sounds like a great complaint to lodge with the parliamentarian… I say, go for it… or get over it

The question was:

where is the link to the “simple resolution”. What does it say and who voted on it?


They are not whistleblowers. They are shadow government political operatives who are working to take down a president who refuses to cave into domestic communists, socialists, and international GLOBALISTS who have been plundering America’s wealth for the past two generations.

Parliamentary question, not relevant to whether the courts consider this an impeachment inquiry…


It’s a question which many American Citizens are asking. People want to know who in the House voted to have an “impeachment inquiry”, and what does the resolution stipulate?

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, the House of Representatives voted to kill an impeachment resolution. So where is the new resolution or formal complaint of an alleged impeachable offense which could trigger an investigation?

Are you incapable of answering fundamental questions which many American Citizens are entitled to know?


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALIST and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.

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I doubt more than 5% care in the slightest


So, the 5% are not entitled to know who in the House voted to have an “impeachment inquiry”, and what the impeachment inquiry resolution stipulates?

Seems that the Democrat Party Leadership embraces a governmental type of inquisition in which the most basic types of procedures and rights available in a freedom loving nation are set aside in order to carry out the whims and fancies of those in power. So, screw the 5% ?


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with notoriously evil communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

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There is no requirement to vote on an impeachment inquiry. Never has been, likely never will be…

Grand juries conduct themselves in the very same manner every day in this country. Calling this process an inquisition is profoundly ignorant of how law is actually enforced in this country.


So, tell me Mr. Fountain of all knowledge, how were the “Jurors” selected for the purpose of this particular “Grand Jury” “impeachment inquiry” ? And who is the Prosecutor? Is the Prosecutor one who has fabricated a telephone conversation and passed it off as being that of the accused?

Seems self evident that the Democrat Party Leadership embraces a governmental type of inquisition in which the most basic types of procedures and rights available in a freedom loving nation are set aside in order to carry out the whims and fancies of those in power.


We all know who the whistleblower is. It’s shifty Schiff in drag.

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They were selected in the same manner as all prior impeachment inquiries…

I wonder if there’s a Globalist! Halloween costume this year, since they seem to spook so many righties.