More obstruction

Specious and inane reasoning by the DOE on why they can’t comply with the congressional subpoena. There is no basis for this type of obstruction and the obstruction itself implies guilt in my opinion. If congress has no ability to conduct oversight of the executive branch, then we are in serious trouble as a country.

Give them credit, this is the kind of slow rolling bureaucratic obstruction that same sensible people engage in.

Regardless of your political persuasion, this is a slow rolling constitutional crisis…

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Maybe because it isn’t a subpoena.


And we know just how much subpoenas mean to this admins…

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The most transparent administration EVER.

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DOE needs to hire Holder to handle any requests like this.


Maybe if impeachment wasn’t a fake people might start taking you guys serious. Until then write all the ■■■■■■■ letters you want.

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Where is the obstruction if this inquisition isnt even good enough for the house to vote on?


Only in your biased mind.


We all know who the whistleblower is. It’s shifty Schiff in drag.


The hell is that supposed to even mean?

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They are losing it.


What is a congressional subpoena?

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Remember these times when the next democratic president issues a wholesale refusal to cooperate with congress…

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It’s an easy fix all Pelosi needs to do is put it on record.

The panic, the fear… the desperation is setting in.


What panic? I see alot of deranged trump haters. Sore losers from 2016.

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Does that make you a Trump… lover? :rofl:

Well, it happened with the last Dem President so why wouldn’t it happen with the next?


Trump supporters should remember that all this documentation will come out at some point. The records aren’t going to be destroyed.

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