More obstruction

The house rules are not law… geez… where do you come up with this stuff… The house, via the parliamentarian enforces its own rules… GOP members need to get cracking though, Bill Taylor is testifying today and it looks be a bad day for Trump…

Just as soon as they vote, with out it there is no impeachment.

Sure, tack it on to the other half dozen investigations into Obama and his Deepstate traitors.

You are correct, they will vote on articles of impeachment…

If it passes to the Senate everything will be exposed,from Miffsud to the Ukraine.

If not Barr will start by releasing the fisa abuse report then Uranium one, then spygate and so on.

The senate trial will only cover the articles of impeachment. Justice Roberts won’t let it turn into a circus…

Impeachment for what?

Didn’t the whistle blowers bail?

Why do you say that?

Where are they? Wasn’t this the take down?

Everything Ukraine will be exposed to include all of Rudy’s evidence if it goes to the Senate and it will be open to the public.

It would be wonderful if it all goes down early, but we know the destruction of Obama, Clinton, the DEMOCRAT apparatus, and their evil seditious media will occur no later than November 2020!

Save the date! America’s salvation is nigh!

11/8/2020 :ru::ukraine::tr::north_korea:

Probably being interviewed behind the scenes, as anonymity is important to them, by definition.

No. There will be a collection of testimony and documents amassed before any impeachment vote happens.

Speaking of “Where’s Waldo”…

There’s no such entity as the “Democrat Party socialist Leadership”.

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Do you have a date for when the Democrats will vote on impeachment?

Getting tired of my leg being humped with this fake inquiry.:rofl:

Only security is offered in the whistle blower agreement, not anonymity.

The latter guarantees the former.

Why is Waldo one of Obama’s Deepstate traitors?:rofl:

Everybody drink!

That’s a double shot with Obama.