More Employers Should Have This Spirit

She’s black. I see nothing wrong with my statement.

I have black co workers too.

I have an Asian co worker.

Diversity is drummed into our heads here at the big company.


Yes, technically there’s nothing wrong what you said but are her skin color and gender such important things ? If you think about the most interesting people we’ve met in our lifetimes, probably their skin color was the least interesting thing about them.

It’s probably just a generational thing.

I am an official dinosaur.


It’s kind of insulting. The upper management, CEO and board levels are the places who lack diversity. They need to lecture themselves.


Not the big company.


The upper leadership of my big company is all white. With an occasional asian. They have no business lecturing us on diversity.


Without knowing your company, I actually agree with this. My company is the same way. Not a single black or Latino VP or above.

A few white women but small.

They certainly have work to do in this area.

Yes I have read and watched many debates with Richard Dawkins, Cristopher Hutchins and Sam Harris. They all are prominent atheists and talk about it, or as Dawkins calls it the empty space needing to be filled, and we can see what it is being filled with.

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I am so glad to work for a big company that practices what it preaches as both the CFO and CCO are both black guys.


Is that the most important thing about those two individuals ?

It sure doesn’t hurt during diversity classes we are required to take.


Well, what about ability to do their jobs effectively ?

Put it this way, if you have to hire a contractor to build a house or remodel your kitchen - is your primary (or any) concern going to be their skin color ?

Enquiring minds really want to know that contractor’s shoe size. REALLY if he’s gay or straight.

That’s why I find diversity training ridiculous. The non discrimination policy of a company should suffice: