"You're always gonna be Mexican, You'll never be white."

The sad part is that the cop was forced to purchase his own body cam for his own protection. This wacky “lady” filed an official complaint about this officer. Without his body cam, he would have been labeled as just another racist cop.


FOX has her name. She’s not responding to questions. Maybe they should have CNN call her?

It use to be ok to fire someone for nothing more than being gay. This situation aside, who get’s to be the judge on what is racist? Should one off color comment cost someone a job they have been doing well for years? Take the Chis Mathews situation. Pushed into retirement (ie fired) for his comments yet MSNBC replaced him with Joy Reid who comments over the years have just been horrible.

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Do you not get the difference between being a racist and keeping your ideas to yourself and expressing them on camera?

Most employers don’t even care if their employees post with an i d like White Lightning on Stormfront if they don’t represent the employer while doing it.

What numbskull doesn’t know much interaction with police officers goes on camera?

Do we really need any more numbskulls in the classroom?

Well, we’re talking about a video that is pretty cut and dry.

of course there are tougher calls, but this isn’t one of them.

These threads are similar.

Espouse whatever likes, dislikes or causes about anyone or anything you want.

Just do it in your off time in a way that won’t show up in a way that embarrasses us for hiring you.

Ok so my posting that conveyed my opinoion of “the teacher” involved in the video was alas flagged and removed by the admin.
I apologize to whoever may have been offended but my opinion of “teach racist and bigot” remains unchanged.
Whatever institution employs this individual should consider separation of employment. This person has a serious issue and should be prevented from sharing that kind of filth with anyone in a classroom environment.

I find that if we don’t assault the character of out fellow board members we’re usually fine.

I know. I’m an expert at being flagged.

How was she representing her employer at the time?

You need to check your privilege. You don’t know her like that.

Didn’t. I used colorful vernacular in reference to the self described “teacher” as a morbidly obese clinical name for a female canine species.

I truly believe he fully knows that Trump’s quote does not say what that woman said. I think he knows, but still deliberately posted that quote pretending it does say that. Deliberately and shamelessly disingenuous.

Ironic, because he’s the one who suggested the woman should be shamed.

“Ironic” indeed, especially in a thread that starts with

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Cool. Take it up with the person who posted it.

Oh wait… You already were schooled on that.

Not surprised that a lib would try to defend another lib’s dishonesty.

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what now? schooled in what? I think the woman is a nut who went on a racist rant.

A lib? Sir, you are mistaken.

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My what? Example of a conservative doing something racist?

What makes “racist” worse than anything else?

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Libs tend to say that. :man_shrugging:


I’m sure you do.

It’s spelled out why she was pulled over in the video.