"You're always gonna be Mexican, You'll never be white."

You need to check your privilege. You don’t know her like that.

Didn’t. I used colorful vernacular in reference to the self described “teacher” as a morbidly obese clinical name for a female canine species.

I truly believe he fully knows that Trump’s quote does not say what that woman said. I think he knows, but still deliberately posted that quote pretending it does say that. Deliberately and shamelessly disingenuous.

Ironic, because he’s the one who suggested the woman should be shamed.

“Ironic” indeed, especially in a thread that starts with

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Cool. Take it up with the person who posted it.

Oh wait… You already were schooled on that.

Not surprised that a lib would try to defend another lib’s dishonesty.

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what now? schooled in what? I think the woman is a nut who went on a racist rant.

A lib? Sir, you are mistaken.

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My what? Example of a conservative doing something racist?

What makes “racist” worse than anything else?

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Libs tend to say that. :man_shrugging:


I’m sure you do.

It’s spelled out why she was pulled over in the video.

Finally got to watch the video. She’s been watching cop watcher videos and is trying to provoke him.

He did a good job.

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She was baiting the cop hoping he would do something she could sue for. :roll_eyes:


Can you point out in the article you posted where it clearly defines her as a liberal? Because she is a teacher? Doesn’t make her a liberal. LOL…good post though.

Can we agree then that being a teacher does not make someone a liberal, a brain washer, and a shill for liberalism in the classroom? My wife is a teacher too…so is my son…so were my parents. I would hope we could agree on this? What say you?

I hole heartedly agree…she was trying to set him off. This is the down side of the whole cop protest movement. The 95% or better of cops who are good, have to now deal with people like this Karen who now feel it is their money ticket to provoke a cop.

She’s lucky she didn’t get a bad cop. Wouldn’t you all agree?

Yes. The cop kept his cool.

Meanwhile this woman has been identified, her name is Kalunda-Rae Iwamizu, AKA Kalunda Jenkins.

A little digging by social media users enraged by the video revealed she is an assistant professor of English at Los Angeles Southwest College.

Her racist ass needs to be fired asap.

Next thing libs will try to convince us she had Trump bumper sticker on her car.

You have to understand that they think liberals will respond the way they do, which is that if said person can even be tangentially connected to conservatism they will defend them to the death.

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I thought so as well. The woman reportedly has filed a complaint with the Sheriff’s Department internal affairs and apparently has filed other complaints in the past. The Deputy deserves a commendation. This woman needs professional help.

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