More AOC slamming good people in her turd hole city

Usually right up until she is proven wrong.

AOC is a social media influencer pretending to be a member of congress…

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It’s easy to sit in the comfort of our computers and decide what should have happened.

How do we know they were men?

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The view of life is always so much clearer from the peanut gallery.


Did anyone ask about how the present or their preferred pronouns?

That’s always very important!

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You are more then welcome to try, don’t think you would like the result.


On a discussion forum! Amazing.

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No. I made a funny

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AKA a know nothing dumbass.


Yes, if he did it for his own safety or the safety of others he should be commended for stepping up, but it seems like potentially excessive force, depending on the details. And it’s still not clear to me if the dead guy was actually a threat or if he was just ranting.

I’m going to need to know races.

I heard that as well, it was 3-4 minutes, nowhere near the 15 minutes being reported and the warrant out for the guy was for smashing and breaking several bones in an over 60year old woman’s nose. 40 priors that included assault, so he certainly was not just a poor homeless person begging for food as that lying AOC is wailing about.

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Yea. Sounds like facts are totally trashing a narrative…awwww

The gentleman.

If you listen to the lunatic left you might get the impression that Jordan Neely is somehow unique as a person who died on the subway…

And you would be wrong.

“It’s good that the progressives are finally interested in a subway killing.

But before Neely’s death, from March 2020 until early April, 27 people lost their lives to murder in the subway, many of them, like Neely, were homeless young people.

Where was the progressive outrage then?

It might have prevented the latest death.

Monday afternoon, Neely, 30, was menacing people on an F train in Lower Manhattan, according to witnesses, when another passenger put him in a chokehold.“

Do you know what the big difference between all of those 27 homicides and this one is?

For all of those other homicides, the killer was arrested, immediately. Not let free.

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:+1: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seems the left had no problem saying doctors should refuse to treat people for covid if they refused to get the jab. That anyone who died from covid and was not vaccinated deserved what they got.

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