More AOC slamming good people in her turd hole city

Yes, if it turns out the guy died from something other than being choked to death, there should be no criminal charges.

Nope…I’m just not going to mourn the loss of a career criminal whose death is potentially about to be elevated into the next BLM fundraiser.

And we disagree on everything so just add this to the list.

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The guy had mental illness stemming from the murder of his mother, who was stuffed into a suitcase and tossed on the side of the freeway. You don’t have to mourn him, but a little empathy for our fellow human beings would be nice.

Yeah you are right the rush to judge helps no one and obviously AOC is playing politics with this. As are pols on the right who are now jumping in. They all love shoveling ■■■■ for a quick sound bite.

I do believe there was no ill intent from the marine and he was genuinely trying to help. He is doing the right thing keeping a low profile and getting legal counsel.

You say this because the ME ruled cause of death a homicide?

Yes, but as others have said, we don’t have all the facts yet.

Look I’m not celebrating his death…I simply think a) the race whores might well try to turn him into some great saint/martyr because he potentially died at the hands of a white man…b) he might also have had a dose if fentanyl or some other drug pumping thru his system…we don’t know all the facts yet.

There are no winners here.

The Marine and others saw a situation they perceived to be a threat on that subway car and acted to neutralize the threat. Who did they save from this man? I don’t celebrate his death but I’m not going to saint him either.


There are thousands of innocents murdered at the hands of criminals that have no remorse. Just think if citizens stepped up and intervened by whatever means?

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Self defense is the most fundamental human right, in my opinion, and that’s one reason I’m a strong second amendment supporter. We’ll see how this plays out, but from what I’ve read, the guy’s actions sound more annoying and disruptive than dangerous, and he probably could have been subdued without causing death.

AOC has all the facts doesn’t she?

There were 2 young strong men right there assisting the marine, that choke hold could have been loosened at any time.


I hope you’re not expecting me to defend things AOC says. :smile:

Yeah, it seems like a case of excessive force.

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But yes, AOC should have kept her mouth shut at this time. Politicians are way too quick to pipe up with their unneeded opinions.

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I should add I don’t think it was done with malice. I just wish in the heat of the moment, cooler heads around would have had him loosen up.

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Can you hold your breathe for 4 minutes?

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That’s the thing about failed States, you can’t count on “cooler heads.”


From the bleachers. How do you know they are “strong”?

Yet that’s what we do with a million abortions each year.


We call it self-defense, but it could be argued that the marine wasn’t being threatened, and he did what he did for the safety of OTHERS. And I hold that to be embodied in the same principle as SELF-defense.

I wonder if our hair-splitting legal system would see it that way though. Certainly a race-whore DA could try to split that hair.