More AOC slamming good people in her turd hole city

As seen on the video, the hold lasted two minutes and 55 seconds before Neely was released.

At that moment, Vázquez said, “this man came up behind him and grabbed him by the neck” and forced Neely to the ground. About 30 seconds later, the train reached the Broadway–Lafayette Street stop: “When the two doors opened, everyone rushed out, obviously, afraid, because now there was an actual fight.”

Vázquez stepped out to tell the conductor to stop the train while the veteran told bystanders to call the police. Then Vázquez started to film the scene inside the car. For about a minute, “nothing happens; they’re just lying there,” he said. (Vázquez cut that portion from the video he published.) “And then when Jordan tried to escape again, they rolled over again,” he said.

The video of the choke hold goes on for nearly four minutes.


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Thanks for that link.

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i ride the subway on a daily basis. homeless ride the subways and create problems a lot of the time.

choking someone to death prolly isnt the way to eradicate the problem.


And you won’t find any credible media info. The left has already decided the outcome. They lie to support the narrative.

This thread, right here, is why the media isn’t credible.

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Based on current information I personally believe the Marine is a hero….and the usual bundle of race hustlers are sick disgusting people.

There was a report yesterday that the man who died is a multi multi time repeat offender who had an active warrant for assaulting a 67 year old woman on the subway.

A crazy man threatened people on a subway car claiming he didn’t care if he got a life sentence…a United States Marine stepped up and served the people around him….and the trough of usual suspects who could care less about black lives unless a white personal is involved have stepped up to scream squeal and make things worse.

That Marine is a hero.

So I’m other words….the left wing race hustlers couldn’t wait to start lying.

Sounds about right.

The word hero is bandied about far too much and as a result lost a lot of its meaning.

As I have said a number of times the full facts have not emerged but I doubt he meant for the man to die. However actions have consequences.

I will reserve judgement if he is indeed a hero.

Obviously for some the fact the man is a marine immediately makes him a fascist, blood thirsty thug intent on eating babies and for others it immediately makes him out to be a man who can do no wrong and spends his day always serving others. I do not care for either stereotype.

Things like this will continue to happen when criminals are released back into the streets without consequences. Not everyone riding the subway or walking the streets will tolerate being prey when under the threat of violence towards themselves or others.

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But the vilification of the USMC by the lefty lunatics is surely coming.
The neutering of the US Military by wokeism and diversity hustlers is going to cause National Security problems to be sure.
A uniformed Armed Services primary mission is to kill the enemy and ■■■■ up his ■■■■ before he has a chance to kill you and do the same.
Lloyd Austin has allowed readiness and the mission to be politicized by leftist morons. The Kabul withdrawal debacle is a perfect example of the shoddy amateurish planning that went into that shut show. Austin should resign in disgrace.
The Marines will be targeted by the left for training a “vigilante wannabe” then releasing him into society.
Watch and wait, it’s coming.


I do not know the details of this individual but if someone serves their time not a lot we can do about keeping them incarcerated. Obviously we need to be circumspect in allowing parole, day release etc.

Now when it comes to someone accused of a crime their previous actions should be a factor in whether they are held in custody until their trial or released. As well as the severity of the crime.

You may be surprised to learn that broadly speaking I agree with you on this.

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This is who this man is. Future assaults and victims of his crimes have been negated. I’m personally happy about that.


Actually you and I agree on many things. For example your assessment of the use of the word “hero”. This young Marine depending on his battlefield actions could very well be a hero.
He obviously felt it necessary to subdue a raving individual because of the threat to others. To protect and serve used to be the motto of law enforcement. Judging by the hasty rush to the exits by passengers he was able to provide them with some measure of safety. But a hero?
As it turns out his young life is being turned upside down. The leftist loons will surely brand him with all sorts of descriptions, none will be of praise.

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That’s kinda funny coming from a lefty given the bastardization of the language courtesy of the left. But whatever…

An insane person apparently threatened innocent people on the subway. He stepped up as the man was screeching about being ready for jail and a possible life sentence. You have to do sone nasty ■■■■ to get a life sentence.

Faced with that this Marine stepped into action with help from other passengers and subdued the man. For 3-4 people to step up to prevent something from happening tells me this was starting to get serious.

This is going to sound callous but that person who was threatening the folks on that subway car and has more than 40 priors is no great loss to our society.

The Marine is white….the man he subdued black….

Bring on the likes of AOC and Al sharpton and blm and the predictable race whores who ignore black on black crime every day but this one black man who may have died at the hands of a white man…may because he was still alive when the marine let go…hell this is the closest thing BLM’s domestic terrorists have had to George Floyd since George Floyd and they made bank off of his death. 15 minutes they lied…no it was less than three and the victim it appears was still alive when he was let go.

The AOC’s of the world are insincere opportunists who should shut the hell up. MURDER they cry he was in a 15 minute choke hold…


The facts aren’t all in…but in my opinion that Marine deserves a commendation. He is a hero who might very well have kept his fellow passengers out of a nightmare scenario.

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I have no problem with the guy subduing an unruly passenger, but unfortunately he went too far and killed him.

The description “no great loss to our society” fits literally millions of people, but we shouldn’t kill them for it.


Like I said…call me callous.

I remember this forum’s libs posting things like “play stupid games win stupid prizes” in regards to Mr Trump’s classified document issues.

Are those same libs now bemoaning that man’s passing. 40+ priors and an outstanding warrant for breaking a woman’s orbital bone and nose on the subway.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes…it’s hard to see how our society is worse off without that guy.


So now you want to place valuations on who should live and die based on their worth to society. And you bitch about China!!!

We will agree to disagree on this.


Did he?

He was breathing and coughing when he let him go.

You don’t know that he killed him.