More AOC slamming good people in her turd hole city

I love the inversion here.

What the ■■■■■

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” was originally a more conservative saying.

I don’t think they have to accept your conditions.

It’s the narrative du jour. politicians like AOC should be censored for attempting to ignite riots with her lies.


I’m curious as to why the races of the two individuals who assisted in restraining homeless dead guy are not being mentioned?
Is it because at least one if not both are black or brown? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This whole thing just like everything else is about race. While it was a tragic event the media and politicians wouldn’t be all over it if it wasn’t a white on black crime. It would have just been written off as another tragic event in NYC.

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Oh yes as in the horrendous black on black crime statistics? Or black on white crimes that are justified by some warped leftist mumbo jumbo?

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It is sad what happened I would imagine it wasn’t his intention to kill him, he will get his day in court. I am just saying while it is an horrendous event, it is only big news because was white on black crime. Our media loves that as do some politicians.

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No - it’s big news because the cops let the killer go.

The fact that he was white, and the victim was homeless and black may have contributed to the cops’ decision, though.

Based on what?

Where have you been? In NYC crimes are committed, perpetrators caught, interviewed by police then let go everyday.
“The big news” began when the media and ■■■■■■■■ like AOC began fomenting lies beginning with the “fifteen minute stranglehold” and “Marine wannabe vigilante” bull ■■■■■ Turns out the deceased was restrained for less than four minutes and was moving when released!
A honest report by a Medical Examiner might determine what caused this man to expire. But for now, the sanctimonious politicians are doing nothing but inciting mindless “activists” into violence.
Why isn’t AOC involved in solving the homeless mental health crisis in NYC or the violent crime there?
Oh, nobody gives a ■■■■ about that huh?

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Summer’s almost here!


And to think, if the weak knees politicians who have knelt at the leftist anti law altar had just allowed the police to do their jobs there wouldn’t be any “clashing with police” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Why was this man put into the position of having to defend against a direct threat?

If anything, they need a larger police force who is supported for doing their jobs which is keeping the citizens safe.

I wonder what would change if everyone who let this man out into the streets would be convicted as an accessory to his crimes?


The NYPD needs a “larger” police force?

The NYPD has more sworn officers than the LAPD, Chicago PD, SFPD, Dallas PD and Houston PD have combined.

There are more police officers in the NYPD than there are sailors in the British Royal Navy.


Folks, if the cops aren’t shooting people with the states money that means I get to choke out people on public transit.

They gotta die somehow I guess.


Looks like he has been a menace for the past decade. At one time he entertained the people on the subways doing Michael Jackson dance and at some point over a decade just snapped.


Reddit 10 years ago

That’s how it goes.

It is. They’re scared so killing folks is fine.