Mollie Hemingway and Victoria Collier agree, there is election fraud taking place

So lay it out: what’s the definition of “where not needed”? What are the cutoff lines for whether you can mail in, or not?

But it does give a substantial assurance the person in the voting booth is a qualified voter who is making the choices on the ballot.

How does one confirm a mailed in ballot was filled out, and the choices made thereon, by the voter issued the ballot?

With in-person voting, and the use of appropriate ID before one is allowed into the voting booth, there is an extremely high certainty that the one voting in the booth and making the choices on the ballot, is the legitimate voter making such choices.

Why is this so difficult for you to figure out?

Will NYC citizens elect another open border traitor during Tuesday’s special election?



What to know about the special election to replace George Santos

Another question is, has NY’s corrupted Democrat machine, already fabricated enough no-excuse mail-in ballots to swing the Tuesday election their way?


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

Mail-in ballots targeted again in vote stealing operation

Once again mail-in ballot voting opens the door and becomes the target of an election fraud operation. See: Political Organizer and Former President of City Council of Atlantic City Charged with Submitting Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

February 1, 2024

“Many of the mail-in ballots collected by Callaway or his subordinates were ultimately cast in the names of people who have confirmed that they did not vote in the 2022 General Election – either in person or by submitting a mail-in ballot – and that they did not authorize Callaway, his subordinates, or anyone else, to cast ballots for them.”

Here is a LINK to the actual complaint.

Let me once again emphasize that mail-in ballots ought to be limited to a legitimate excuse-based need, and by doing so the total number of mail-in ballots would be reduced to a fraction of what is now the case, and even though the opportunity for vote stealing and mail-in ballot fraud would still exist, its effect on an election would be greatly reduced by the reduction in actual mail-in ballots allowed.

Allowing no-excuse mail-in ballot voting has opened the door for countless vote stealing and government perpetrated vote fraud operations. Why is the allowance of no-excuse mail-in ballot voting being forced upon the people in so many States without the people’s consent via a constitutional amendment?


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

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So the point of this thread appears to be that mail in voting is only allowed for certain zip codes as authorized by … someone.


How dare we have equal access to voting.

Arizona has had no-excuse mail-in voting since the early 1990s.

Guess your vote doesn’t count if you live in Oregon. They have done voting exclusively by mail since 1998.

there already is plenty of “access”

mail voting has been implemented in more remote areas where it made sense

not in the corrupt heavily demikrat inner city

but you know this.

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Thankfully the powers that be have put more thought into this than some posters on an Internet forum. They actually have to answer to voters.

right “powers that be” loosened rules with sigs, late ballots, chain of custody, etc at 11th hour no wonder youre “thankful”

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Because people who live in the inner city can’t be trusted.

the ones in charge anyway. glad youre finally catching on

Oh no, sorry. I was just trying to write something stupid.

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So, now you take the liberty to ignore what IS ACTUALLY POSTED, and make crap up, not to mention posting an insulting remark which has no basis in fact.



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So would you agree that mail in voting shouldn’t be allowed in Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Provo?

no. it makes sense there they contain many remote rural areas

you all keep going round and round with this

sigh… yet again, more voter fraud

i know i know…. all a conspiracy

But those are cities. The polls aren’t far away. There are plenty of rural areas in places like New York and California.

not like utah

sorry i know you really need this rig option

but fear not trump will not be back in WH.

What does Trump have to do with working to stop no-excuse mail-in voting, which is a major target of vote stealing and government perpetrated election fraud?