Mollie Hemingway and Victoria Collier agree, there is election fraud taking place

“where legal”

dont tell me even she, Ronna, outsmarted you

“The situation is so absurd that we have presidential and gubernatorial debates weeks after some people have already voted,” Hemingway noted.“

I must have missed the post where you showed us illegal ballot harvesting by Democrats.

No I’m right. “Amount of effort” is immaterial when it comes to the significance of a vote.

This fantasy about “all the harvesting” is just that, a fantasy y’all invented.

Ok cool…Have those voters in Utah invest the energy and do it in person. Have them wait hours in line.


just like watching msnbc for 2.5 seconds

too remote.

in some places it makes sense

just like the hoods huh?


Sounds like laziness to me…

Everyone can get off their ass and get to the polls in one day.

They’re just a lazy piece of ■■■■ otherwise.



The hoods???..Interesting.

Do you support removing polling stations from the inner cities?

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but not laziness in urbanastan? well of course not

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But why? Going to the polls doesn’t make your vote count more.

what are you talking about?

voting booths. same day voting. no mail-ins (where not needed).

no software either

gasp! huh?

it’s so much easier when shawntell comes around and collects your vote though. tells you where to check the box. licks the stamp…

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i think so too

pull on that thread

I want a hot black chick to help me gather up crap around here too. That’s not fair. :frowning_face:

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Your comment glosses over the legitimacy of that vote in either case. With in-person voting and the use of appropriate ID before a qualified voter is allowed into the voting booth, there is an extremely high certainty that the one voting in the booth and making the choices on the ballot, is the legitimate voter making such choices. But that is not the case with mail-in ballots.

The irrefutable fact is, mail-in ballots have two, significant and inherent security weaknesses. There is no practical way to scrutinize a mail-in ballot when counted, to verify that it was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot, and, there is a loss of chain of custody from the time a mail-in ballot is received by a theoretically legitimate recipient of a mail-in ballot, to the time when that mail-in ballot is counted.

Mail-in ballots should only be allowed for those who have a legitimate excuse-based need, e.g., see: PA’s Constitution (ARTICLE VII, ELECTIONS, § 14. Absentee Voting

By limiting mail-in voting to a legitimate excuse-based need, the total number of mail-in ballots would be reduced to a fraction of what is now the case, and in so doing, even though the opportunity for vote stealing and mail-in ballot fraud would still exist, its effect on an election would be greatly reduced by the reduction in actual mail-in ballots allowed. Perhaps that is why so many democratic run countries have banned mail-in voting, LINK, and returned to paper ballots, strict voter ID and in-person voting as a rule.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.