Modern lib fascism on display in today’s trans movement

No you are not.

The Biden bunch and the lib left are pushing the farthest left policies on the people of this country…despite the lie that he would govern as a moderate.

This president and his administration (I seriously wonder if we aren’t dealing with one of the greatest figurehead leaders in our history with senile old Joe) have chosen open borders, transgender ism, the climate change lie, and abortion, student loan forgiveness despite the Supreme Court, now he’s going very wobbly on his support for our ally in Israel (gotta keep those Tlaib voters in Michigan)…

The policies coming from this administration are hard left. The trans element to all of this is hard to understand. These folks I would wager really just wanna live their lives…but there’s an element if the left that is, yes evil.

Trying to normalize the abnormality and mental illness by pushing this crap on children…the health care industry is fine with chopping things off, needlessly they make good money.

If consenting adults want to to mutilate their bodies fine you do you.

But pushing this crap on kids…no.
Forcing women to allow men into their locker rooms and bathrooms and athletic competitions…hell no.
Telling all the rest of us we must be accepting without question of the push for gender re assignment on people of all ages or we are some kind of trans phobe. Screw yourself I ll make my own decisions what I will and won’t accept.

Even Bruce, now Kaitlyn Jenner spoke out against what the Biden’s did over the weekend. There’s an awful lot of this trans push that is to use your word imho completely evil.


Fine you can post links….

Again I ask.

“ Why did Biden choose to lie about the White House Statement? MSN

"President Biden said Monday that he “didn’t do that” when asked about his official White House proclamation, declaring March 31, the same day as Easter, as “Transgender Day Of Visibility.”

I’m not talking about the date of that trans thing always being March 31…I’m talking about the Biden White House choosing to endorse that day, announcing endorsement on Friday and then today Joe choosing to play dumb about an announcement that bears his name.

The possible answers would appear to be…

  • he has no clue what’s going on around him and what’s being said and done in his name…
  • he’s a liar

Which is it?

He didn’t lie…he didn’t declare Easter Sunday to be Transgender Day of Visibility.

He didn’t choose the date on which TDoV would be held…that was chosen back in 2009.

And…more importantly…Easter Sunday is Easter Sunday. TDoV is TDoV.

This year, they both happened to fall on March 31…but they are two separate things.

The entire point of the ressentiment betrays a fundamental lack of understanding of what is important about Christianity.

It would be like getting pissed off if a local strip bar was sold off and the building converted into a church.

And believe me, there’d be Christians that would get pissed off at that.

It’s a misunderstanding of what is supposed to be sacred about Easter that was a root cause of the ressentiment.


Split hairs much. Yes he did lie….or he has no clue what’s going on. He denied that his administration acknowledged and recognized by proclamation the trans day.

Governor DeSantis said it well.

“ When asked about his official White House proclamation, Biden said he “didn’t do that,” prompting DeSantis to suggest the president’s denial raises questions about who is running the White House.

“Wait a minute, he said that didn’t happen, he said he didn’t do that,” DeSantis exclaimed during an appearance at the Greater Miami Expressway Agency on Monday. “Which raises the question that he’s either not being honest with the public or he really didn’t know what was going on.”

DeSantis went on to call out President Biden and ask who is actually running our country.”. DeSantis blasts Biden for denying trans visibility declaration on Easter: 'Who's running the presidency?' | Fox News

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It isn’t about me or about my understanding of Christianity. It’s about our children and what this insanity being peddled by adults is doing to them. As a Christian, I stand against this. Biden doing his endorsement on Easter Sunday was a poor choice at best on his part but a purposeful one by his handlers IMO.

13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.

From Headline “ Speaker Johnson questions whether Biden ‘knew what he was signing’ with Trans Visibility Day proclamation”

“ When asked during the White House Easter Egg Roll Monday about Johnson claiming on X that Biden – who is reputed devout Catholic – “betrayed” Easter tenets, the president accused the speaker of being “thoroughly uninformed” before retorting “I didn’t do that.”

However, the presidential document reads in part “I, Joseph R. Biden Jr… do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024 as Transgender Day of Visibility.”

So Biden either lied, or he signed something someone on his staff shoved in front of him with no idea what it said. Who’s in charge again? That’s the way corrupt relatives and caretakers for old people get property and their names included in the will isn’t it…”here grandpa you need to sign this while you eat your ice cream!”

“Well, it’s his own signature on the document. That’s why we posted it," he said on “Hannity.” “The evidence speaks for itself, as we used to say in the courtroom.”

“[I]t’s highly possible that he doesn’t even know what he’s signing,” he added. “[T]hat might be even more alarming.” Speaker Johnson questions whether Biden 'knew what he was signing' with Trans Visibility Day proclamation | Fox News

And I still wanna know…if the Biden’s are so proud of this….how come they didn’t post this trans day proclamation on their Spanish language social media? Afraid they would have pissed off a bunch of devout Catholics on Easter perhaps?


It is absolutely about you.

If it’s about your faith and beliefs, it can’t help but be about you.

And anyone who spent their Easter weekend bathing in “ressetiment” over Biden’s announcement as opposed to focusing on Jesus’ resurrection imo needs to seriously examine their own faith.

My own opinion, off course, but I can back it up and have backed it up logically, within the Christian framework.

Once I was baptized by the Holy Spirit it became about others. I’ve been saved and now I place everyone else before me…especially the children. My disdain is for the POTUS to get behind this insanity and endorse it as if it’s a “natural” outcome. It isn’t. There are males and females but you can not change your sex…period. This is a mental disorder that is being normalized by our ignorant, demented President who is being used by a force I stand against. Leave the children alone.


Lotta pearl clutching here about Biden not honoring Easter. A few things:

  1. Biden attended mass while Trump posted 100 “Truths” disparaging everyone under the sun and only mentioning Easter once. Not one of you is bitching about Trump’s behavior on Easter because this isn’t about religion, it’s about targeting Biden at every opportunity.
  2. TDOV happens every March 31st, and Biden has acknowledged it every year he has been in office. Since it is a fixed date there is a 1 out of 7 chance it falls on a Sunday and a 1 out of 4 chance that Sunday is Easter. Last time it happened was 15 years ago. ■■■■ happens, get over it.
  3. There was a kerfuffle about the Easter egg drop. Folks were allowed to bring decorated eggs but were instructed that the eggs could not have religious or political decorations. Lotsa bitching about this one on Fox as well. Fact is, this is a policy that has been in place for half a century and the Biden White House is just following tradition that Trump ALSO followed. And no one bitched about it then.

Some folks just need to get a life, if you don’t like Trans people that’s fine, it’s a free country. But the President is the President of the entire nation and him or her being a little gracious is not the end of the world.


Do you know any trans people IRL?

By pandering to less than 1% of the population?

Nah. The purpose of this was merely to stick a thumb in the eye of those leftists have deemed to be Trumps base. Nothing more, nothing less.


yep. Dead on.

Except for the math. Easter dates aren’t consistent.

No and hopefully in part it’s due to my influence of love, security and guidance in the right direction.

I’d suggest you refrain from judging trans people until your really get to know some of them. Your view of what ‘trans’ is, is ill informed.

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Don’t know about them, but my view of trans is that they are crazy and should be help.

If A believes it is actually B when in FACT it is A then there is something wrong with A that is causing it to believe it is B. The solution is not tho convince the world that A is B, the solution is the cure A so that A knows it is A again. Simple as that…

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Do you know any trans people IRL? Have you spoken to them?


Don’t need to hang with crazy people to know they are crazy.