Modern lib fascism on display in today’s trans movement


exactly :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Notice…out of 365 days to choose to celebrate “Transgender Day of Visability”…Easter Sunday was the chosen day. Does anyone think that was just a coincidence? How about an accident? How about an innocent mistake? Ok, ok, ok…how about it was purposefully chosen because those doing the choosing are purposefully attempting to divide the US? Then you have dumb ■■■■ Biden…who just goes along because he’s demented and those guiding him are without question…unGodly.

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Yes. It was.

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Honestly, that’s a tact summary of the progressive movement as a whole.

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…said a Brandonite. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Well there was a grand conspiracy that in 2009 the date of March 31st would be recognized as Trans visibility day knowing that in 2024 right wing wierdos would throw a hissy fit when it intersected with Easter.

It’s always March 31.

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It’ wasn’t choose. It’s the same day every year.

Trans people are god’s children too.

No, you chose to miss the entire point of the ressentiment.

It’s the focus.

Why did Biden choose to lie about the White House Statement? MSN

"President Biden said Monday that he “didn’t do that” when asked about his official White House proclamation, declaring March 31, the same day as Easter, as “Transgender Day Of Visibility.”

In an exchange with reporters at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, Biden declined responsibility for the proclamation when asked about House Speaker Mike Johnson’s, R-La., criticism of the action. Over the weekend, Johnson wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that the White House “betrayed the central tenet of Easter,” adding that the proclamation was “outrageous and abhorrent.”

So his White House didn’t put out a statement that said this?

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Biden’s White House made a choice to endorse this day…Ya’ll keep trying to claim he didn’t create it? Maybe not, but Biden is the first president to actively put his name and his administration behind the Transgender day of Visibility…He did so on March 29…Friday.

It’s hard core leftism at work from the guy who was supposed to be the unifier and the moderate.

By the way, Laura Ingraham is interviewing Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna about an interesting decision the Biden’s made…They chose not to post the endorsement of Transgender Visibility Day on their Spanish Language social Media. Hispanics, with whom polling shows Joe is losing support…only heard clueless Joe’s Happy Easter message.

Gee I wonder why?



You keep saying this over and over.

Just who do you believe are God’s “children”?

I wish no harm on anyone but I seriously didn’t realize this social insanity has been prevalent for this many years.

It isn’t the children that come to mind when my temper begins to flare, it’s the adults I visualize surrounding them that motivates my disdain. IMO the greatest motivation behind this is @ 99% environmental.

Bam…the defense rests.

K, I don’t really get why you had to qualify that statement with disclaimer about not wishing harm on people but I suppose that’s a good thing :grin:

When you consider the motivation behind all of it and the damage being done, am I ridiculous to consider this evil?

…cuz it’s a sensitive issue where innocent children are involved.


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Biden is losing Hispanics….

Can I not say that a large portion of Hispanics are Catholic?

Can I not then add 2+2 and come up with 4 in this answer. The administration knew this pronouncement would actually piss off people of faith but ran with it anyway.

Seems like the logical conclusion to me.

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