Modern lib fascism on display in today’s trans movement

I do. Great kid of a friend, that has serious, frightening struggles with mental illness. Their mother is letting this play out, and there hasn’t been any kind of medical procedures to my knowledge. A lot of nuance gets completely buried in this issue, because that kid isn’t anything remotely like a Lia Thomas, and isn’t part of the psychotic activist movement. After seeing this kid go through this, I’m more convinced than ever that this shouldn’t be normalized, but dehumanizing ALL trans people on account of the whack jobs isn’t going to solve anything.

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I’m not judging “trans people”. What I am stating is that there’s two factors; genetics and environment. Adults in the lives of children use the genetic excuse but it’s a lie. It’s they themselves introducing this insanity to young people @99% of the time. Do you understand this? It should be treated psychologically.


Biden is still looking for the Easter eggs he hid on Sunday.


Yeah - He was asked about it and either lied or just simply has no clue.

I don’t understand how anyone can support that senile old liar.

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RealClearPolitics reporter Philip Melanchthon Wegmann detailed the Q&A of Biden’s denial on Monday. According to Wegmann, Biden said, “I didn’t do that” and claimed that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who criticized Biden for making the proclamation, is “thoroughly uninformed”:

From Phillip Wegmann’s Twitter or X or whatever it’s called today feed…““I didn’t do that,” Biden said when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday 'trans day of visibility.” Asked about Speaker Johnson’s claim otherwise, the president replied, “he’s thoroughly uninformed.”

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.”

It’s pretty obvious Biden proclaimed March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility to me.
Now…The left likes to say “Well it’s Easter’s fault because Easter’s not on the same day every year…”. There are also dozens and dozens of random days that people have tried to proclaim…This White House is the only one to throw the power of the Presidency behind this particular random day someone decided to declare.

If Biden believes he needs to offer his endorsement to the Transgender Day of Visibility he should at least man up and not lie about it.

That man is an embarrassment.

Even a cardinal of the catholic church called biden a cafeteria catholic. Which means he shows up in church for looks not because he believes in what the church teaches.

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Biden has been at odds with some Cardinals in the US for some time, due to his reluctance to have his faith guide public policy when it comes to abortion. While I believe he is personally opposed he never lets this on because he chooses to let that only be his personal view, not political. And he has paid the price for it for a long time, yet never wavered. Shows a bit of character, I think.


I disagree.

Standing up for what one believes shows character.

Hiding what one believes to placate the masses shows cowardice.

That is unless you think that Rosa Parks should have just sat down and shut up.


That dirtbag wouldn’t even acknowledge his own grandchild. The only character he’s ever shown is bad character…

The man is an embarrassment.


Compared to the last denizen of the White House, Biden is a Saint.

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Religious views are personal, they should not be political because not everyone shares your religious beliefs. Pretty simple stuff, really.


So exactly what does that have to do with the post you referenced?

He’s a pathlogical liar completely incompetent to hold his position. He has as president sat in the White House while America has been invaded by more than 10 million individuals crossing into the country illegally over our now largely non existent borders, particularly the one in the south…No president in our history has literally overseen an invasion of America. He hasn’t simply done nothing to stop that invasion…He has facilitated it with his policies.

The man is doing irreparable damage to this country…

Sorry but Biden is the biggest electoral mistake in the history of the presidency.


Biden has been at odds with Catholic teaching for some time. Some cardinals step into the public eye to call him out on it.


Biden has never had any character. He has always been slimy sleaze of a man since he has been in politics.

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Biden no different than trump. But the left do tend to worship those they vote for.

The damage he’s done to this nation…telling illegals to “surge the border” and millions upon millions have…and yet under the Constitution he’s in charge of protecting us from this invasion…he’s a traitor.


Traitor is the right word to describe Joe Biden.

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