MLB moves All-Star Game over Ga. voting law

Tom he ain’t cancelling. If he started burning down buildings and rioting that would be cancelled culture tactics, I think.

I did not want to make a big deal about it. I was my own personal choice to decide to feel frustrated with MLB like I did with kneeling football players. It would be my private protest.

But, Mr Trump hit the nail on the head.

And while we are at it…accidental knock over a Coke Cola display. :wink:

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Fight fire with fire.

And to think hundreds…hell billions of dollars from American tax dollars paid for their ■■■■■■■ stadiums.

Cuz voter suppression is cool.

Can’t even give water to someone in an excessively long voting line? How is this okay? It’s bad enough lines in some areas get so long. Seriously, how is this okay?


People who didn’t want corporations donating to politicians now love it that they are blackmailing states to support progressive dogma.
Is Trump the only politician with national clout who is willing to stand up and take these organizations on? If so, then in spite of his often embarrassing tweets I may find myself supporting him for 2024.

He is asking for cancel culture when it suits his needs.

It’s hilarious


If someone declares war on you, you sometimes have to fight back.

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Why should MLB support Georgia limiting voting?

In Georgia of all places… haven’t conservatives learned their lesson yet?

Limiting voting…you have to identify yourself.

Declare war?! Lol

MLB does not think they should generate more money for a state that thinks its 1960 instead of 2021.

When musicians boycotted playing in Jim Crow Georgia… did they declare war on conservatives too?

Why do conservatives like more regulation on voting?


Voter ID is not Jim Crow. Pretending it does signals an extremism and lack of reality that has to be resisted.


Is the ID free and easy to get? If so, then I agree. But I didn’t any legislation that addressed getting IDs, did you?

Why did they limit ballot boxes in mostly black counties? Why did they move those boxes off the public to inside government buildings? Why did they add a restriction on getting water in line?

Why did they require 2 days of Saturday voting but not require the same for Sunday? Guess which demographic historically votes on Sunday?


The only thing that is hilarious is that when everyone cancels the other, nobody is left. You should be proud of what your ilk has wrought.

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Do you have an ID? Was it easy to get? Well, there ya go.

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Look how quickly y’all embraced cancel culture after spending a few months complaining about it.

The GOP is sooooo pathetic. Y’all lose an election because a lot of black people voted and then you change the rules making it harder to vote. This is so transparent.

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Exactly what war is this?

The war on democrats voting in huge number.

Gotta fight that.


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Actually IDs in jersey are difficult to get.

Lots of proof required.

Of course we don’t have onerous legislation to stop people from voting.

People here are encouraged to vote.

Which is why we had a high turnout rate.


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Lol is Trump still writing tweets on paper and throwing them out the window since they bricked his phone?


Ahhh… more of that soft bigotry of low expectations.

Have more faith in that demographic to adapt to changing conditions.

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