Misdirection-Bernie next lamb-anyone who can pull wool over voter's eyes-keep clear sight on Control of House

Then why would you mention him being mocked? That’s another thing we like about him, he gets right back in the faces of nasty people. Liberals are basically bullies who try and intimidate people with names and threats. Trump fights back and liberals aren’t used to that.

I don’t need to; you’re the one who said “I’ll wager that any example you can provide, has yuuuuuuuuge (sic) problems at home. Why is that? Answer…they’re lousy leaders.”.

Bam…now ya got it. Go! :sunglasses:

Which is it: “cut all or most of the remaining tariffs on US imports by half”?

They’re not going to report or even acknowledge anything good he does on behalf of America.

Hilarious that you think you have made a point when the reality is that you haven’t.

It’s one or the other, I don’t remember exactly what was said.

Sad our own press is so biased that it got so little play in the media.

China on Thursday said it would halve additional tariffs levied against 1,717 U.S. goods last year, following the signing of a Phase 1 deal that defused a bruising trade war between the world’s two largest economies. While the announcement reciprocates the U.S. commitment under the deal, it is also seen by analysts as a move by Beijing to boost confidence amid a virus outbreak that has disrupted businesses and hit investor sentiment.

They don’t even pretend to be journalists anymore.

Of course they signed off on it. The new deal made no substantial or meaningful changes to NAFTA, it just gave it a new name so that Trump could claim an empty victory. Why wouldn’t Canada and Mexico sign off, given that they completely dominated the negotiations.

Would you be happier with “putting children in cages”?

You can be dismissive, but there have been two major shifts from 2016 that have been the basis of the substantial Democratic electoral gains since them.

One has been a substantial shift among suburban women voters from Republican to Democrat and most of that has been driven by revulsion at Trump’s personal style and policies that are seen as inhumane.

This is a trend that Republicans have to reverse if they hope to hold Congressional majorities and the White House and being dismissive of the issue is not a way to resolve it.

Better they be in cages than handed over to human traffickers, but Obama did both.

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Whether this is factually accurate, the one thing that is accurate is that neither Obama nor his Vice President will be on the ballot in November. No one who does not attend a Trump rally will believe that Trump’s family separation policy was an extension of an Obama era policy anyway.

Do you think it is safe for the Republican Party to dismiss the revulsion at Trump’s bullying style among white suburban women, given how many offices it has cost the Republican Party in the last two years?

Of course it’s not wise to ignore Trump’s alienating women. My wife can’t stand him either. But when I ask her what she is going to do if the other choice on the ballot is Sanders or Warren, the answer is, vote for Trump or stay home.

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My wife can’t stand Trump’s style. She complains about his tweets all the time. But then she listens to what the Dem candidates are saying…

She will be voting for Trump with clenched teeth.


So you are saying that Trump is fine in his current approach…what the Democrats are betting on is that the electoral trends of the last three years will continue.

H_Arendt: Major shift is misleading. Midterm elections when voter turnout is always lower a much bigger factor. In the 9 midterms after 1980, the balance of power in Congress has remained the same in 4 elections. In the past 5 midterm elections, the Republicans gained control of the the Senate in 2014, the House in 2010, and the Senate in 2002. The Democrats gained both the House and Senate in 2006. In 2018, the Democrats took back the House. So it has been 20 years since a midterm election didn’t result in a change of control in at least one chamber of Congress. Not disputing the majority of suburban women are against Trump. Just believe incumbents, especially one’s seeking re-election in a good economy, have a running start when voters typically cast their votes for an entire party ticket down the line.

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Theres a lot of people who don’t like Trump’s tone or tweets. But those things are not going to lose him votes to a socialist or radical leftist. It’s unfortunate that character doesn’t much matter in America anymore. For every true thing you could say about Trump’s character, it would be just as true about any Democrat candidate. Unless the “crime” was really egregious, the candidates party is going to support them. Lying, cheating, adultery and even accusations of rape don’t bar people from office. The impeachment did nothing to hurt him. Smear and slander aren’t going to work for the Democrats this time, they need something of substance to offer besides free stuff to illegals and destroying the economy.

Trump beat Hillary because he had a better ground game. Now he has a record people can evaluate, the same good ground game and the candidates he’s running against are just plain awful. Trump should keep being Trump…

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Just as it would collapse if Trump won in 2016, right?

Explain this please? How does the impeachment throw Biden under the bus?