Minimum wage in 2022

I like the kiosk too. I do not have to risk ,the all too often, interaction with the rude worker working the register.

No, but whatever the barista is paid, hopefully it will be a wage based on a minimum skill set.

i quite disagree. businesses should pay what their workers are worth

yes. there should be NO min wage set by clueless “people are sexually frustrated over me” govt idiots at whim who know nothing - NOTHING about economics or business

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quite so. but i dont lump them all together as “brown” people like you do

but i’m progressive. way before your time

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really! at last decent service

no “waa waa waa you heard Biden we’re ‘understaffed’”

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what should the min wage really be???

and why not more?

so curious

If we make the minimum wage high enough, and given enough inflation, we’ll eventually have a flat tax.


Even if that amount is $3.50/hr?

Is it? Are skilled illegals not taking entry level unskilled labor positions?

Try being an 18 year-old male looking to break into construction.

yes absolutely

People take for granted the food they get served at fast food restaurants. It’s a very rare occasion that I eat at those places. One of the reasons is that I don’t want someone that doesn’t care about their job to serve me food. The reasoning should be obvious.

Even though I do believe 15 an hour can be a bit excessive for certain jobs, I wouldn’t call it a skilled wage either. If you’re skilled and making 15 an hour, then the money you spent acquiring that skill was not well spent.

What would you consider skilled wage?

Personally I don’t care if minimum wage is raised strictly on a state level.

And no one can really stand in judgement of those earning minimum wage. Maybe they got let go and couldn’t find another job, and serving coffee and doughnuts at Dunkin’ has got to be a heck of a lot less awkward on a résumé than having to account for unemployment that went on for longer than three months.

However, complaining about CEO pay is useless as it’s a faulty comparison. Like it or not, the less qualified applicants a position has, the higher the pay, and CEO pay is determined separately than that of an average worker:

Who decides how much a CEO makes?.

I’m not impressed, though, by the ridicule of fast food & other minimum wage workers. At least they’re working and not putting off a search until they get an answer on their application for Unemployment Compensation, or bragging about how much more they made on UI or furlough, or refusing to return until they “feel saaaaaafffffe”, instead peaking out the blinds every so often.

I’d rather have an interesting conversation with the manager at Dollar Tree than with these ■■■■■■■ morons.

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When wages or pricing become artificial, the market balance is off and there will be negative side effects.

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Depends on the weather.

Inflation and lack of workers has already taken care of the OP concerns.

We are at or beyond that magical 15/hour in Pittsburgh…where it is affordable to live. One significant fast food outlet is advertising 22 an hour.

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…and that is the “balance” that makes it all honest, for the consumer, the employer and the employee.

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Think about it . . . if you hade 4 working counter at 8 an hour, and 4 in the back at 8 an hour . . . then all the sudden have 1 at the counter giving out food for 15 and hour and 4 in the back at 15 and hour . . . . prices WON’T go down (previous 8x8=64 an hour for labor + any benefits and taxes paid by the employer. After 5*15=75 an hour in labor costs.)

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Yet most boomers couldn’t do it.