Minimum wage in 2022

It’s not just Mexicans. Hondurans, Columbians, El Salvadorans etc

And only for a very short time… until prices for the products that the unskilled buy increase to account for the cost increase of producing those products caused by minimum wage increase at the services/factories/offices where the other unskilled people work.

But if only for an election, the stupid will think they got a free lunch.


what happens when you double everyone’s pay? You know the person making 15 when the newbies where making 8. So now newbies are making 16 an hour. Guy making 15 who has been there a long time SHOULD get a raise to 30 right? Person who was making 30 at the company should be making 60 now right? So what happens to the price of their product?


If they weren’t taking them, they might well pay more and then be jobs others would do. Yes, of course the people who hire them are responsible, along with government agencies that should be enforcing the laws.

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Have you noticed the trend of fast-food joints installing remote ordering kiosks to replace the kids behind the counter who used to take your order? The higher the minimum wage for menial jobs that robots can do better, the fewer such jobs will be available for high school kids who just want some spending money.


That’s the manager’s job. :wink:


Great! And then we can double the prices and restart the cycle. :wink:


What do you think they are worth?

Do you believe in pay equity, or do you believe in equal pay for equal worth?

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There you go again … injecting skin color into a conversation where it was not being discussed.

And then you have the gall to complain when anyone notes that everything is about race with you.


They are here.


FINALLY! :rofl:

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Great. I like the kiosk. They make ordering easier.

Funny that food prices didn’t go down with automation.

Thank you Brandon. :wink:

Myth? Whose myth? Maybe you want to tell the authors of this report that they are reporting myths. Or are black people different now?

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Probably same reasons iPhones are made in China/India.

Corporations are not about reducing prices or helping employees. They’ll exploit everything to maximize profits.

That is why they are in business. Don’t you understand the concept?

You could always organize a boycott and not buy anything from any company that makes a profit. That’ll show 'em. :wink:

Like how democrats do to maximize votes. Exploit Exploit Exploit. And the willing cry “Exploit me again daddy”


Not to mention on your phone. McDonald’s wants everyone to use a phone app to order. Pay the app provider once. Don’t worry about future minimum wage increases.

Last September we went to two different restaurants in Seattle where you had to order from your phone even though we were seated in the restaurant. One server was able to cover every table. Wave of the future …

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there is a difference between running a business and charity.