Michigan school shooting


I think it’s the majority brought on by the internet and the 24/7 media. I was a sophomore in HS when columbine happened I remember back then all the pro Harris and Klebold websites popping up it is something society has never had to deal with before.

I think what we have been seeing in the majority anyways are incels seeking infamy through the net, Internet forums and media. One can get on some social media sites even still today 22 years after Columbine and there are 1000’s of “I love Dylan and Klebold” websites. There is a vice documentary on YouTube about the girl who traveled to columbine and killed herself a few years back and how she got that way in these forum groups.

Lord knows they were plenty of generations before Columbine that knew of bullying that didn’t result in trench coats and massacres. The populace wasn’t ready for the net especially one as armed as we are.


And right there is the problem…

Should these parents be charged?


No, it isn’t.

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Why not?

Yes we know…more guns is the answer for everything.

Apparently there was a meeting with the parents about his behavior

No, absolutely not. You for example; I would never recommend you get a gun.


Why?.. You posed the question, you must have a reason or a charge in mind.

How about a no nonsense policy like if you don’t like someone, great! Don’t bring’em home for dinner.

You’re not free to treat them in any way you little ■■■■■ want while you’re on school grounds.

I once worked for a medical director whose mindset with regards to getting along in the workplace was exactly what I just posted.

Dr. Ali, I hope you’re doing well wherever you are.

There is a lot of things that can be listed in what I wrote as problems. I won’t deny having a lot of guns in a society makes it more likely and event like this can happen.

At the same time if one is truly seeking the answer as to why all of these school shootings started happening especially after columbine it’s not just guns, guns have been here for previous generations that didn’t go to school and do this all the time.

If one doesn’t want to politicize this look at the people involved these are the kids that used to be to themselves at lunchtime playing dungeons and dragons never had a girlfriend less likely sex. It’s these people doing the killing, why.

These people have always been there and guns have always been there what else has changed and then a serious discussion beyond politics can happen.

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A 15 year old should have a girlfriend and sex?

I don’t think so.

The ones who don’t are socially not adjusted?

I definitely don’t think so:

Too late…But I’ll be sure to get all necessary tacticool gear to make me really cool…:sunglasses:

They obviously left a dangerous item out that a 10 year-old autistic girl could use to harm.

Gear doesn’t make you cool.

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Sure it is.

That’s not what I am saying. Let me try a different approach. Why are all of a sudden the losers in social standing in school suddenly blasting up the place.

I am not saying they need sex I am saying these are the drudge of society who will never be popular, girls will never like, and if cool was ranked 1-10 they would be a zero. It’s not the school jocks shooting out the place.

I read this book the author at least attempts to get past the politics and identify what’s going on.

INCEL: CAUSE & EFFECT (School Shooters and Mass Killers Book 3)

Everyone thinks they know the answer. They’re ignorant.


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