Michigan school shooting

So now I dont have a gun…Let me add it to the list of things you know about me…lol

While incels are a ticking time bomb. As far as I’m aware, the last couple school shooters have been people with mental health issues, that weren’t being treated, and easy access to guns.

I am not denying mental health as well contributes. Incels, losers whatever the word is for them why all of a sudden after columbine? Why the 1000’s of fans on instagrams true crime hashtag, why do the majority of the killers list columbine as inspiration.

I know incels kill outside of school I am referencing what I have been reading tied to school shootings of 4 or more people and when interviews or they go through their computers the majority of shooters list columbine as a motivator.

It is both morbid curiosity as well as terrifying when you read what these people were thinking about before preparing a school shooting. I think most as I said earlier are losers (Some as you stated with mental conditions) who are seeking infamy motivated by past school shootings that did the 24/7 news cycles for weeks at a time. Never forget the columbine killers were on the front of time magazine. The Boston Bomber on the front of Rolling Stones.

“As law enforcement has studied the individuals who have committed school shootings and other mass casualty attacks, one of the common characteristics they’ve observed is these individuals tend to study past mass shootings,” said Cohen, who is now an ABC News contributor.

“As it relates specifically to school shootings, we find that columbine seems to be the one incident that school shooters look at. It seems to resonate with individuals that have the behavioral characteristics consistent with this type of attacker,”

Remember those angry parents at school meetings screaming about CRT?

Why aren’t they angered by school shooting? Apparently teaching about racism is a big no no. But kids getting shot is meh.


how does the victim get punished?

When they fight back, victim will get suspended.

For fighting….back.

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“Why are all of a sudden the losers in social standing in school suddenly blasting up the place.”

Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, maybe? More fatherless homes?

Does anyone know why this particular student was disliked?

Incidentally, bullying is usually a sort of pot meet kettle action. Generally it isn’t the students who are happy with their lives and have a lot going for them doing the bullying.

Dr. Ali’s you don’t have to like everyone, but you need to treat them with respect on the job scolding is badly needed at the middle & high school level.

I’ll bring some links later, really need to go to work now. Good night.

yes that is a problem. A kd getting picked on should have every right to fight back. I tend to forget times have changed since i was a kid


This is so devastating.

So many of our children haven’t learned how to handle disappointment and rejection.
Society in general doesn’t support this. Victimhood is the truth they see. Fake perfection is the truth they see. Anxiety and depression is the truth they see.

Technology is a babysitter, a liar, and a tool for instant gratification.


Is that why you used it?

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Yep. In this case…Good enough for republicans, good enough for me.

The school I was at absolutely took that seriously. To be honest I don’t recall any persistent incidents of that happening during my tenure there.

Knowing your politics in this Forum, that looks an awful lot like trolling.

Does the school have a teaching guide encouraging staff to include discussions of how students can become active shooters? As soon as you can show that a school board is promoting this, the parents will show up and scream at the board about it.

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The shooter had a disciplinary matter the day before the incident, and his parents and he were in a disciplinary meeting at the school just a couple of hours before he started shooting.

I believe Michigan law refers to negligent lapses in secure storage of guns and ammunition that permit access to guns that are subsequently used in crimes by children age 17 and under. If that is indeed the case, the State AG would be remiss in not considering charges against one or both parent.

Well, you are the only one saying it, so there is that.

Rejection is one matter.

Teens can be total turds, though.

How exactly does mocking & mistreatment of another student for factors they can’t control helpful?

I love the police’s attitudes, that because there were no reported incidents, it didn’t take place.

Highly trained LEOs, I guess they never heard of unreported rapes, or victims of domestic violence being embarrassed to seek help.

This turned out well because no one involved had a gun

Unless the one who got punched in the face has a gun