Michael Avenatti seems to have his own problems

There is no doubt he is a publicity hound. And the media gives him time because he is also a ratings generator. The sad part is that this is what our society is devolving into. If there was not profit in his being on air, he wouldn’t be given the airtime he is afforded. We have a reality television star as President, and scandal is what entertains people. :man_facepalming:

Everytime I see this dude on tv I’ve been wondering how long it would take for right wing media to make the story about him. Here we are!

I think the fact that it took this long for the Kochs to get up and running on this guy means their dirty is pretty mediocre. But you never know!


His law firm FORCED (no voluntarily) in bankruptcy
He is accused of pocketing money taken from workers for taxes
His wife kicked him out.

I’d hate to see bad things in your book. Number 2 there is about as low as you can get.

Sounds like a trump kinda guy.

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Trump took money from workers for taxes and pocketed it when?

that leaker of Cohen data is gonna have his problems too. And why? Because he spit into the wind.

keep em coming libs. they are like brave soldiers of the left. But watching from the sidelines, we will see what appears to be like suicide fighters, each hoping to take down the big man and each self destructing before they get close.


I guess we’ll see what happens then! I’m not too worried about it.



No puppet! You’re the puppet!

Not sure he’s such a ratings generator, as CNN (where he’s spent most of his time) is way, WAY behind Fox and MSNBC for viewers. Don’t think any of their evening programs get even a million viewers.

Anyway, his 15 minutes of fame should have been up 14 minutes ago. This is one of the reasons why I don’t watch cable news any longer. Most if it is not “news” by any stretch of the imagination… just opinion.

You don’t believe his claims? He’s been very public about how he is paid for this case.

What’s wrong with that? He won over a billion last year.

He’s been very public from the start about only wanting to go on Hannity.

Why… is he president now?

The pictures were all over Twitter? Were They?

Whoa. You musta forgot who was in that photo.


This is a disturbing photo and a reminder that everything us poor (i.e. not uberrich) people are privy to is a big circus.

Would love to see their photo archives.

A big big OUCH!

Lol! We’re all being played folks.