Michael Avenatti seems to have his own problems

Oh the hits just keep coming for Mr. Avenatti:

A law firm of Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti was hit with a $10-million judgment Tuesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court after he broke his promise to pay $2 million to a former colleague.

Instead of 4 and a half mill to a former colleage, it’s now up to 10 million.

At the hearing, the U.S. Justice Department revealed that Avenatti has also defaulted on just over $440,000 in back taxes, penalties and interest that he had personally promised to pay the Internal Revenue Service under another bankruptcy settlement for his law firm.

He failed to make a payment to the IRS he PERSONALLY agreed to make

Avenatti, who has blamed the unpaid taxes on an unnamed payroll company, accused the Los Angeles Times of “purposely confusing me with a separate legal entity that has no role in the Daniels case.”

And blame shifting. Is the BK court confused, or is Mr Avenatti or both? I mean Mr Avenatti has PERSONALLY agreed to make payments on the stuff.

I think it’s time Stormy should find a new lawyer.

Holy ■■■■ lol :joy:

Yes folks… this is what happens to those who try to bring down our good president.
The universe is not happy with such people. Ask McCabe, Comey, and Avenatti. Ask Clinton about her ploy to turn the electoral college. Ask the “journalists” and Hollywood stars of #metoo fame who lied about Trump. Ask Franken.

Who is next?

OP, when can we expect threads like this from you about Trump’s own personal dealings?

Avenatti is out-Trumping Trump on all fronts, it would seem.

Making America Great.


Let me know when Trump personally guarantee’s money to a BK court and the Federal government for taxes and misses payments.

let me know when Trump gets forced into bankruptcy.

let me know when Trump gets kicked out of his home by his soon to be ex wife.

Thank you in advance.

Umm how much did Trump U pay out?

He settled (no BK court). Let me know when Trump doesn’t make the agreed upon payment. It’s hard to say if he would have won the case or not had it gone to full trial.


I figured this would bring more responses, especially from @Joanne

Are you talking about Michael Cohen’s buddy, the Taxi King, that “forgot” to pay millions in taxes and cut a deal to cooperate with the DoJ in any investigations where his testimony may be useful?

Is that what you’re referring to? Another of the Trump/Cohen Felony Squad members flipping on the others?

Is that what you’re going on about?

The abject criminality that is all things Trump?

About time you figured it out.

Trump Taj Mahal- Bankrupt
Trump Plaza - Bankrupt
Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts
Trump Entertainment Resorts

Invana Trump divorced Trump after learning of him cheating on her with Marla Maples. Trump’s public response was that had Ivana not found out, he would have been happy to carry on with a wife and mistress.

Marla, upon divorce said something like “I need to get as far away from him as I can”. She then proceeded to do that, moving to California and taking their daughter with her.

You’re welcome.

The difference is CNN people like Don Lemon were doing fawning and soft ball interviews with Avenatti, treating him like a rock star.

By the way, Avenatti has a lot in common with Trump. Arrogant, blocking critics on Twitter, and threatening to sue members of the media. They should be best buddies.

But Avenatti has his hands full now that he’s in deep ■■■■■

Those appear to all be one company. if you search trummp hotels and casions resorts, comes up with information regarding trump plaza being a part of it as well as Taj Mahal. And Trump entertainment resorts was all a part of it as well.

Now it’s not apples to apples because in the OP, I linked to an article detailing court filings that Mr. Avenatti was pushed into BK involuntarily. Not to mention now he is not living up to agreements he PERSONALLY made to the BK court. now if you can show the trump BK was involuntary it will be apples to apples and if you can show Trump didn’t pay what he personally agree to in BK it will really be apples to apples.

Ooooh the stories I could tell if I could on this one from the little common people.

Sure does


Strangely your response doesn’t take into account that you orginally said this:

Seems like your tune changed a bit after having your memory jogged with the actual photo you were talking about.

There’s a guy in that photo who looks just as happy as Don Lemon does.

Relax…have another cigarette.

U.S. District Judge Paul Gardephe in Manhattan said Avenatti, 50, “had become drunk on the power of his platform”

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Remember when he was going to run for President?

He really flew right at the sun. Some of his actions read like a coked out guy thinking he’s invincible, all while Nike’s lawyers are just sitting back with a tape recorder.

His ex wife had a notable statement to the judge, and avenattis line while crying that his kids moral compass should be set to being ashamed of him was good, but who knows if he meant it.

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And we loved him for going after Trump with the whore.

Trump slayer libs once said. :rofl:

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