Michael Avenatti seems to have his own problems

I like it. And +7pts for pinguid in relation to the discussion. :clap:

out of the mouth of babes…

could that have been the thinking of so many that voted for Trump in the primaries to take on Clinton and then voted for him on the general to take on libs across the nation?

Hillary lost bro, get over it.

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her losing has just begun

I can’t imagine what you’re going to do once your personal orange Jesus is gone.

You tell me. All I’ve heard is trumpers say it was because of jobs and being Forgotten. Nice to see you admit that it was always just a vapid desire to piss off libs. Shame that the country is going down the ■■■■■■■ just to satisfy such an immature impulse. but that’s trumpism for you.

She truly takes up so much space in so many people’s minds. It is quite amazing to witness.

I admit that only for myself. It was my number 2 reason for voting for him.

But pissing off libs is not the same as beating them. Many hated what Trump represents but knew that no regular candidate could stand against the Clinton machine. She chewed up and spit out Bernie and would have done the same with any other regular politician. They were not tough enough.

Yeah, it’s quite amusing how two grandmas like Hillary and Nancy Pelosi get R’s all riled up.

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Where did you get that definition?

Wasn’t to piss of libs for me.

The Don wasn’t my first choice. In Utah’s preference poll (aka utah primary) I voted for a different candidate.

Now when it got to the general election I compared the two viable alternatives:

Option 1: The Don: said he was going to crack down on illegal immigration. Going to roll back overzelous regulation. Possibilities of gutting ACA more, possibilities of tax cuts. Possibilities of budget cuts.

Option 2: Hillary: More of the same we saw with 8 years of Bamma. More illegals welcomed into the country. Everything from electricity to driving a car more expensive due to increased regulations. Most likely higher taxes (as a working person who doesn’t get any tax credits).

Given the options, The Don was a no brainer.

No I wasn’t going to vote for Johnson who had no chance of getting in. No I wasn’t going to vote for Utah’s Mcmuffin candidate (couldn’t even get on the Utah ballow in a legal fassion).

We need the edit button back! Lol!

I have an edit button :smile: :sunglasses:

I heard he’s been invited on to fox but has refused. It’s likely because he knows it wouldn’t be a softball interview.

Probably the worst thing against him was withholding taxes of his employees but putting the money in his own bank account instead of sending to the IRS. Obviously illegal if true.

And this is the same guy who was out partying with Don Lemon and other "journalists ". The pictures were all over Twitter.

Hillary herself won’t shut up and go away. She’s still giving interviews and speeches blaming everyone but herself for her defeat.

It’s Hillary who needs to “get over it”. As long as she keeps talking, why shouldn’t others comment?

Others can comment however they wish. But it’s a boring deflection.

I’ve said for a while now she needs to do everyone a favor and go away. But that hardly means there are not plenty of people still obsessed with her. Bringing her up randomly in situations unrelated to her. I’ll comment on her if a subject is related to her. But outside of that, she simply occupies no time in my mind. It’s amazing to me that she still does with others. She is undeserving of that mental time or effort in my opinion.

no apologies. The ideology that they stand for will long be my enemy and I will face it head on… citing their names as often as possible as in a “never forget” gesture.

It’s funny that Fox news could only find a picture of Avenatti’s wife in a bikini.

Fair point. Some do being her name up in topics that have nothing to do with her.

As for Avenetti, he could be facing some serious prison time. If the allegations are true could be many years.

More than anything though the MSM obsession with him needs to end. Over 70 interviews on CNN alone in a two month period is obsession.

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