Mexico elects 1st female president following deadliest election campaign in country's modern history. . . . 37 candidates assassinated

Natural gas is pretty clean. Coal isn’t. Frankly nuclear takes a dump on all of them except for water generated power.

And that’s an efficiency issue, not a cleanliness issue. Those are two separate things. When hydrogen is burned it’s only byproduct is water.

Mmmmm. The waste?

Perfectly safe when stored properly. And new 4th generation reactors are being designed that specifically operate using spent fuel rods.

It’s a problem the anti nuke industry made up.

Ok, if you say so. I wasn’t concerned about the safety. It’s the logistics.

Yes…but making hydrogen to run your vehicle create more CO’2s than running IC vehicles. Better off running natural gas vehicles.

Also what are you going to do with gasoline? After all it’s byproduct making bunker oil, grease for wind turbines and even plastics for your water bottle.

IMO…Trump has learned a lot in the last 8 years regarding DC, the establishment and the power it wields. His biggest area of improvement will be in those he chooses to surround himself with. If that is accomplished, he’ll tackle many problems that are broken and need fixing. Again…IMO…many have wakened to how far gone this country has gone and how badly “we the people” need Trump to get us back on course and do so…IN SPITE OF THE CORRUPT ESTABLISMENT FORCES THAT WILL WORK AGAINST HIM. These four court cases are the perfect example of our weaponized government at work.

You see…that’s another example of you not even knowing how much you do not know. I do not have any accounts in any social media and NEVER have. You just made another uniformed, idiotic conclusion.

Cheers. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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There’s many applications where gasoline cannot be replaced. Small engines will continue to use it for the foreseeable future since costs are as much a limitation and they don’t have the economies of scale that auto engines enjoy.

I don’t even support completely phasing out petrol for auto use. We still have more room to go to make them cleaner and more efficient. So that should be attempted.

You can’t faze it out period…unless you faze out everything that oil is used for.
That means no diesel fuel or kerosene/jet fuel, no plastic, no bunker oil or grease that runs your wind turbine…well we could go back to whale blubber. No I phones or computers etc.

So what are you going to do with gas byproduct…burn it off like they do with propane etc?

It’s better to use it than to just burn it uselessly in a pit.

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Well, one is denial of science, the other is a difference of opinion. I am aware you are sure a 2 state solution will not work…and you may be right. I truly do not know. The current situation is certainly not working.

He would only have people who kisses his ring, and does exactly what he says…

No actual experience needed. That is what authoritarians do.

To think that a two state solution can work in Israel is ignorant. The Palestinians don’t want it and Israelis aren’t going to throw their security away to try it.

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How would a 2 state solution be different than Oct 6?

Gazans gleefully and happily elects Hamas.
Hamas attacks a concert full of teenagers and slaughters everyone.

No. If that is who the Palestinians elect then there will be no solution and no peace as long as Palestinians have a voice in their own government.

Which is why so many dems supported her in the primaries.

Like McCain and Romney before her if she was the nominee they would go back to the dem party in the general.

We are supposed to be too stupid to notice such things. :roll_eyes:

Plus she is like Lindsey Graham as regards war.


Yet you post multiple videos from influencers from Youtube. I believe you follow many of them.

Same thing.

That is your opinion…and as I have said, you very may well be correct. Other people smarter than you and I may disagree with you.

It’s a fact man. A two state solution will never work for them. Unless Palestinian culture suddenly changes overnight and they start seeing their Jewish neighbors as legitimate people instead of farm animals.

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YouTube is social media :joy:

But the above post explains a lot. You truly actually believe that what you are watching is unbiased independent analysis available only to those who can perceive the message.

The Israelis will be lucky if they have any choice in the matter by the end.

They shouldn’t have signed the Oslo Accords if their plan was to pen Arabs up like animals and let ultra orthodox home-invade them for political support when the army isn’t dropping artillery on them for throwing rocks in “peacetime.”