Mexico elects 1st female president following deadliest election campaign in country's modern history. . . . 37 candidates assassinated

List his stances on the issues you disagree with him on and I’ll answer your question. What I want and want it done immediately is our southern border shut down, illegals removed and businesses that employ illegals…prosecuted by the 1986 agreement agreed to by both sides of the aisle.

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So you can’t come up with anything. You’re an independent thinker who just happens to agree with his favored party’s nominee on literally every issue. :joy:

There are many, Many, MANY things that I don’t give a rat’s ass about. My plate is full in this life running a business, a family and all of the additional responsibilities that go along with it.

Allow me to remind you of the old forum where I made it very clear…I’m voting for Donald Trump instead of writing in the name of Donald Duck which I’ve done for many elections, because "he is my personal suppository that I’m shoving up the anus of the US known as Washington, DC.

Along the way…he attempted to shut down the southern border and when he did…both sides of the aisle worked against him, exposing their corrupt political DC establishment agenda. I take each item as it comes. I’ve NEVER been to a Trump website or attempted to observe his proclaimed political agenda.

He said he had a healthcare plan to replace Obamacare…and I never saw it. He lied. That said, I don’t buy much of what anyone says…especially a politician because there are so many liars among us. What I do do is to conclude which politician is the lessor of the evils and there is NO QUESTION…THAT’S TRUMP. Then I go about my way, giving The Lord my best efforts and that brings us to this very moment in time my friend.

Well I appreciate you coming up with at least one criticism of Trump.

The problem with this and all the “drain the swamp” nonsense is that it will never happen. No politician gets into office and works to reduce their own power. They wield power differently, but no one ever relinquishes their grip on the reins willingly.

Nikki Haley is the lesser of three evils, and in my mind there is no question about that.

Nikki is more of the same and does not have the tenacity to address and combat our nation’s problems.


There’s a lot of alternate reality beliefs on both sides. Leftists believe that a two state solution will work in Israel and Rightists ignore climate change.

Trump had his chance to solve the problems important to you and failed. “Drain the swamp” is a pipe dream. Haley would fight for lower taxes, reduce illegal immigration, protect gun rights, etc. And she would destroy Biden in the election. Nominating Trump makes it much more likely Biden will retain the White House.

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I can make a list.

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Anthropogenic climate crisis is a hoax.

Perhaps but actual climate change is a real thing. It’s getting hotter. And I’m a believer in using moderate solutions (none of that ultra radical crap the greens push) to try and help mitigate it as much as we can. Like why is the species still using coal fired plants when we have had clean reliable nuclear power as an option since the 1950s? Why haven’t we already moved to hydrogen power for our automobiles yet? That technology has existed since the 70s.

It is not getting hotter. It is not getting hotter because of man. Closing coal plants will not change anything.

We should always strive to be good stewards of the blessings we are given.

do they plan on running for President there?

she didn’t need one, in fact, it would be better for the left if she didn’t

Proving his point. :wink:

I’m not a rightest. I’m a liberal.

He’s not yet.

First off natural gas is cleanest form of power other than nuclear.

Also hydrogen power is not cleaner that your standard IC engines…in fact it take more power than it produces.

Hey liberal…:wink:

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Hey buddy.

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And a recent discovery that we could domestically supply 40% of are Lithium needs from Facking waste means Fracking will decrease our need on fossile fuels! Frack baby frack!

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