Mexico elects 1st female president following deadliest election campaign in country's modern history. . . . 37 candidates assassinated

This is not the Bee.
This is not a joke.


If lawfare fails….


And people wonder why those fleeing other South American countries don’t just make Mexico their home…

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Apparently the candidates killed were running for various offices (not all for president.) The article notes:

Jorge Huerta Cabrera, a candidate who was running for a council seat in the town of Izucar de Matamoros, was gunned down in the attack, according to the state prosecutor’s office.

The killing takes the number of assassinated candidates in the 2024 election season to 37 . . .

The issue of violent crime has emerged as one of the top issues in this year’s presidential contest . . .

I will trust the media this time and believe that last statement is probably true.
Article continues:

Reuters reported. Integralia counted 828 nonlethal attacks on political candidates during the current election campaign.


Cartels are becoming increasingly dangerous — they’re now well-armed and politically influential. According to a report translated by NPR, more than 30,000 people are murdered each year in Mexico, compared to roughly 18,500 in the U.S. in 2023.

(Mexico’s population is a little more than one-third that of the US)

Damn those guys pissed off the cartel guys bad.

So basically she won because she was one of the few candidates who didn’t get gunned down by Enrique and his gang of coke traffickers?

Either work with the Coke traffickers or get gunned down. Mexico in a nutshell.

The US just attempts to criminalize and bankrupt top POTUS candidates while our media sheoplizes the masses that the orange man is baaaa, baaa, baaaad.

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Work for them?
Or maybe always was one on the first place, and gunned down all her opponents.

Considering the history of coke trafficking and Latin America I wouldn’t be surprised if we suddenly found out she has ties to some cartel group. It’s pretty common down there. And the honest people who tell them no usually get a Colombian necktie or gunned down in response.

I am thinking “Not ties to”
but rather
“Is a cartel member and personally gave the order to have her opponents shot” might be the case.

If 37 Trump opponents get shot is Trump “tied to” the guys who did it? Or did he give the order?

DNC just issued a press release:

“We promise to do better.”

Put some muscle into it. You left out the border, which is relevant to this discussion. President Biden wanted open borders to flood our streets with drug mules and dealers. Its all part of the plan to bring down America. Areas where crime runs rampant and police fear to tread. Ever expanding homeless camps and now our neighbors to the south are run by coke cartels while nothing is done. Soon you can get coke at the fountain or coke in the parking lot. The opioid crisis will pale in comparison.

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Coming to America. Except instead of cartels it will be lib operators when lawfare fails.

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I wouldn’t be surprised.

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I mean the good thing about it is that only people who really have a desire to serve will do it. Most people don’t want get a Colombian Necktie or gunned down.

And for those who don’t know a Colombian necktie is when someone slits your throat open and then pulls your tongue through the hole. It’s not pleasant.

Sometimes it’s referred to as a Chechen necktie. Because Chechen rebels adopted it to kill Russian POWs during the Chechen wars.

Mexican cartels also love doing the Tire trick. That’s where you put a few tires around someone and then light them on fire. That’s usually used when they really want to make a statement or they really hate you for some reason.

We swear we won’t give anyone a Colombian necktie.

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37… man, ■■■■ Mexico! :rofl:

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MI considered it just 1 step from a failed state in 1985. It had its own block in the counterinsurgency portion of the training.


Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO),
New president of Mexico.

  • An avowed leftist who campaigned on promises of doing nothing nothing nothing to fight the drug cartels (Campaign slogan “Hugs not bullets,”) won an election victory after 37 of her opponents were murdered and 828 of them were attacked.

  • She is a close ally of Mexico’s current leftist president, AndrĂ©s Manuel LĂłpez Obrador (aka “AMLO”)

According to the WSJ:

Arrests by Mexico’s national guard, created under López Obrador to replace federal police, fell to 2,800 in 2022 from 21,700 in 2018, according to the national statistics agency.

