Mexico elects 1st female president following deadliest election campaign in country's modern history. . . . 37 candidates assassinated

Also from CATO:

AMLO was elected in 2018 under the slogan “hugs, not bullets,” a promise to demilitarize Mexico, where the army has fought the drug cartels since 2006. Once in office, however, AMLO not only maintained the army on the streets. He also gave the Mexican Armed Forces a central role in the management of affairs well beyond the military sphere. These include customs duties, gasoline distribution, and the delivery of school textbooks. The armed forces are also engaged in the construction of infrastructure, including AMLO’s Tren Maya railway in the Yucatán Peninsula. The army’s greater activity has come with greater privileges, especially in the form of a strengthened lobbying capacity and a slew of government contracts.

LOL there has got to be some Bee article forthcoming. Something tying together

  1. Under the slogan “Hugs not guns,” the cartels are given free reign and arrest of drug cartel members in Mexico nosedived 80%.
  2. A leftist Ueber-military politician has been named a threat to freedom as he centralizes power, attacks the free market, and involves the military in everything from government contracts to gasoline and textbook distribution.
  3. His ruling party, including his hand-picked replacement, retained power after an election marred by over 850 violent attacks on candidates, including 37 murders.

US media response “Oh look! She has a vagina and she’s against global warming.”

Mexico’s election: A victory for organised crime

…then it’s also a win for Biden.


Sure. Anything else?

Nope…as long as you comprende. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

That Biden invited illegals here and that the border is 100 percent his fault. Yes of course

Good news for Biden that cartels are in power is a prettty silly statement but par for the course.

The 37 people killed were not all her opponents, they were candidates around the country running for various offices. From the OP link:

More than three dozen candidates were assassinated, including a local government candidate in central Puebla state who was killed on Friday, increasing the total number of those killed to 37 ahead of Sunday’s vote, according to data from security consultancy Integralia obtained by Reuters.

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Right 850 candidates attacked, 37 killed,
and her party, her whole party, had an “Election Sweep” winning by a “wide margin.”
(WSJ’s word’s not mine.)

You seem to be indicating that only her and her party’s political opponents were targeted. I’m not seeing that in the links provided.


And thanks to the Biden Administration they have made billions of dollars on human smuggling


She any kin to the Clintons??

Inquiring minds want to know. :thinking:


Only one candidate is a convicted felon…and it ain’t Joe.

A 34 time convicted felon!!
(Al Capone only got 5)

And the people coming here want us to bend over backwards so they can live just like they did in their home countries… otherwise we’re racist and xenophobic.


I LOVE when a sheople identifies themselves by regurgibleating the new liberal, sheoplized talking point. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Enjoy the alternate reality you have chosen to live in.

It nothing else, it is entertaining to watch.

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What a corrupt country. We should build a wall to separate ourselves from such corruption and decay!


I wish you could see it. I thank The Lord every day.

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Prelude for the erectionists to storm capitol