Meet Yoel Roth - Twitter's "Head of Site Integrity"

I’ll look at any evidence you have.

Who’s the right guy?

I’m not angry.

I told you already.

The fact checkers report to the same bosses Roth reports to.

Roth’s team is a SUB-team of the group that also has the fact checkers in it.

There’s no reporting relationship one way or the other between them.

You telling is not evidence.

Of course it is.


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Lolz - anecdotes!

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Well, it may be to me, but others are reading the thread. Do it for your fellow man.

That’s what I do.

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And there it is.

If he was actually the fact checker or if he managed the fact checkers, you might be right…alas, the CEC has trolled its own viewers and listeners yet again and gotten them gunned up against the wrong guy.

Still no evidence. Sounds like Trump’s “coffee guy”.

You’ll have to learn to live with disappointment…:sunglasses:

I’ll believe that when they fact check anyone on the left.

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I have.

The East Germans were notorious for including fact check monikers after their free press articles, I’ll give you that. Excellent comparison.

Fact check - it’s actually impossible to care.

Yeah, I guess that’s what Trump is arguing about Twitter.

He is arguing that Twitter is blocking him or his tweets?

So, individual anti-Trumpers cannot be held personally accountable for their own words, but their opinions must be treated as anonymous. Does that standard apply to pro-Trumpers as well?

Not exactly easy to apply that standard when they go out of their way to make themselves known, is it?