Meet Yoel Roth - Twitter's "Head of Site Integrity"

Yes it would.

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Oh sure, sorry, yes you can do that.

Tweets, cupcakes. I agree. Go ahead and move along.


Damaged Donald is not being denied anything.

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Negro bathroom, white bathroom… the same

Not exactly, but I can play hyperbole. Private. Public.

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Yes exactly

My example applies to public and private restrooms.

They are not the same thing at all. The 14th Amendment dealt with public.

Private - My ranch, my rules.

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Not if you run a public facing business. You have rules to follow.

A single face is easier to hate than a concept or group.

The Goldstein Effect reflects a more general point, which is that people are especially likely to respond to an identifiable perpetrator-just as they are especially likely to respond to an identifiable victim. Joseph Stalin understood the point: "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. What is true for victims has close parallels in the context of perpetrators. If a wrongdoer has a clear identity-a face and a narrative-the public is far more likely to support an aggressive response. With respect to risks of all kinds, political actors show an intuitive understanding of this point, mobilizing public reactions by giving a face to the source of the problem. Terrorism is only the most vivid example.

And it’s the same reason marketers use buyer personas, why politicians pull up “Mary Jones with her 3 jobs and 4 kids” to talk about living wage during stump speeches, and why I use individual stories to drive clients to respond to what the data say.

Faces and names are powerful motivators!


There you go again, refusing to acknowledge the meaning of public and private.

public facing business

:rofl: that’s a new one. If it faces north is it a yankee business?


Everyone in close contact with Donald Trump has their soul rotted out from the inside.

It’s not exactly a secret anymore that Kellyanne thought Trump was a joke and was badmouthing him to everyone in campaign politics who would listen literally up until election night, but prolonged exposure is morally fatal even if you were once an exemplar. And she wasn’t.


if they continue to alter content, they are going to be reclassified as a publisher… once that happens, the legal fun begins…

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I hear there’s a huge problem with social media bandits swiping YouTube videos and posting it as their own.

No, they won’t. There’s literally a law against that.

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His responsibilities do not include the fact checking.

His team is a sub team of the group that does the fact checking, but Roth’s team does not.

You got the buck stopping at an underling because the CEC trolled its own.

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Trump’s responsibilities do not include running NYC or the CDC.

Roth doesn’t head the team that does the fact checking.

You’re doing the equivalent of stopping the buck at the CDC’s janitor.

Trump does not head the CDC or NYC. I have my doubts he passed any of his science classes in school.

Janitor? I’d like to see evidence of this please.

Figuratively speaking.

The fact-checking team does not report to Roth. He’s not even in their hierarchy.

The CEC has you angry at the wrong guy. There’s no relationship between Roth and the fact checkers that’s analogous to the relationship between Trump and the CDC or Trump and Cuomo.

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