Meet Yoel Roth - Twitter's "Head of Site Integrity"

So, Yoel Roth is not making themself known by their tweets that invite followers? Talk about incoherent thought!

Yeah, Yoel Roth is a veritable Kathy Griffin. You bet.

Oh…he’s “neutral”. Ask any lib here? :sunglasses:

As “neutral” as Trump is “Conservative.” :laughing:


Sure he is.

But so are the people who ask for him to be targeted for something he didn’t even do accountable for their actions.

I don’t see how “Sure he is,” meshes with the post you are responding to.

Sure he is responsible for his posts.

So, there’s nothing wrong with critiquing Yoel for his stupid or misleading pseudo-fact-checking.

Sure there is.

He doesn’t run the department that does the fact-checking.

And the fact-checking itself hasn’t been critiqued.

In place of actually critiquing the fact-checking was personal attacks on Yoel.


When you can’t defeat the message, attack the perceived messenger. Or so I’ve heard.

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They only fact check one side.

So naturally the solution to that is to personally attack so,Rome who wasn’t even responsible.

Were the fact checks wrong?

If so…how?

Hey my toaster doesn’t make pizza. Thanks Obama!

When the personal integrity of the fact checker can be so easily proven non existent because the fact checker can be so easily shown to be a pajama boy with an agenda, that’s a big hint the fact checker’s reports cannot he trusted.

By the way, when is Twitter going to start fact checking the lying liberals who just gave us a fake impeachment based on a phony dossier orchestrated by a collection of leftists…I wanna know when Comey, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and AOC are going to get “fact-checked” for starts.

What a joke!

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I agree with Marco Rubio. This is from a Washington Times story, i think it’s ironically a tweet, but the Senator makes this point…Twitter might wanna be careful what it wishes for.

“The law still protects social media companies like @Twitter because they are considered forums not publishers. But if they have now decided to exercise an editorial role like a publisher then they should no longer be shielded from liability & treated as publishers under the law.”


That is not how any of this works.

I’ve seen the draft of this EO and. It. Is. A. Hoot.

Bet it was written by Stephen Miller.

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Interesting post! Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate you.

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Is it possible that only one side needs fact checking?

Excellent post.