Media trying to decide candidates

There were hundreds of pictures of liberals hugging and kissing the Rolling Stone, very conflicted!

:rofl: I’m sure it has nothing to with it’s coverage of the music scene. :thinking:

Rolling Stone printed the article first.

Whats it mean to you?

It means truth.

Please elaborate. Im missing your point. Thanks in advance

Biden isnt going for trumps base. They are a worthless cause

Trump isn’t going for Biden’s base. They are a worthless cause.

The Big Tent of Old White Men. And Pelosi.


Yeah it’s a bunch of nonsense. It’s all very transparent.

Next thing you’re going to deny Motherjones.

And the huffington post!

:thinking: When people want to read the current trends/news in progressive/liberal political thought they’re first thoughts aren’t Rolling Stone. :roll_eyes:

I use to see lots of Rolling Stones posts/quotes here.

A totally useless metric.

Of course…denial.

Pictures or it didn’t happen.

I doubt he could link to 8 posts from libs here using RS.

Is this enough for you?

No Pictures.

You won’t anything when then man himself says it, so just this once I’ll be a blind partisan like some here are wont to be.