McCarthy Threatens Endless War With Conservatives

That’s a good point. Maybe Jordan should take to the floor and make it himself.

It sure is interesting that some folks latch onto labels handed out by a far-right publication that has a history of publishing Covid-19 conspiracy theories.

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If the guy doesn’t have the votes, he should quit running.

This “toe the line and vote for the consensus” is how we ended up with McCain, Romney as presidential candidates, and how Mitch stays in the senate….

No thank you.



Weird. We get accused all the time of blindly following our leaders, Trump, Levine, Fox, etc.

When we don’t do that we are asshats, we should leave the party, we should fall in line, we should just shut up!

Interesting we really aren’t the lemmings the left says we are…but think for ourselves…

The left is good at all those things, they all tow the line, group think, all that.

It’s NOT a crisis. Just as a “government shutdown” is NOT a crisis. I submit all of this is a GOOD thing, and healthy for the party, and especially for the cause of freedom.

The problem is not us, it’s the GOP is not listening to us. THEY are the problem. We tire of their overspending, causing inflation, over taxation, and too much government intrusion in our lives. The leadership lately has gone along with legislation from the democrats that raised out taxes, sicked 87,000 IRS agents on the middle class, and spent another 1 1/2 trillion we can’t afford, increasing again inflation.

The problem is not us, it’s them insisting on fighting us tooth and nail to have them govern more conservatively as we elected them to do. They TALK conservative when they want our votes, and ignore us after. Well, we don’t like it.

It’s not a crisis. It’s a roadblock to them running over us. They want to lord over us, not serve us. If there’s 200 votes and lord McCarthy still doesn’t win, it’s not a crisis, it’s the swamp ignoring us and lording it over us. The country is not going to implode. If it was such a huge thing, why didn’t they hash it out 2 months ago? No, they want to do it last minute, fake like it’s the end of the world, and shove it down our throats. NOPE!

This can go on for months and it’s not a crisis, but it is proof they want to lord it over us. It’s proof they really are the swamp, RINO’s, and deep state bent on wars we shouldn’t be in both dems and republicans, and spending they all will end up getting rich on.


As I mentioned on the other thread

According to ONLY ONE GOP House member is further left than McCarthy.

Heritage says he votes with his own party only 53% of the time (89% is avg.)

C’mon guys. Pick someone from the party’s center


Magnificent post!!

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So what exactly is the big hurry?

I enjoying watching a genuine public debate for a change.

Let’s give them at least a week to sort it out. If McCarthy is a leader…he will make it all work.


Good point.

Unfortunately these days they are not EVEN talking about spending cuts.

The recent (10-20 year) past of the GOP has been

  • Talk about spending cuts . . . but work only on bedroom issues and tax cuts.
  • Talk about spending cuts . . . but work only on bedroom issues and tax cuts.
  • Talk about spending cuts . . . but work only on bedroom issues and tax cuts.

These days they aren’t even doing the first part.

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I don’t get why so many house members think a guy with a 53 percent favorable voting record (conservative speaking) is indispensable.



Personally, I think

  1. McCarthy should be rejected because he is on the far left of the party. He is inappropriate. He will move the party and the country in the wrong direction.
  2. The door should be shut on him HARD so that all ambitious members of the GOP know "The road to leadership does not lie in compromising with the D’s. In fact more nearly the opposite is true. "

If there are just 5 Republicans supporting McCarthy as stubborn as the 20 hold outs against him, then there will never be a resolution other than a coalition with Democrats…on their terms.
Normally, the ones with the lowest vote withdraw, not with the most votes.

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I mean, make no mistake: I am having fun mocking them, but in reality, this is a tempest in a tea pot. It’s okay if it takes a while.

Do you know of any candidate that would get more votes than McCarthy?

When you get to alternatives…

Either you have McCarthy allies who will never get the MAGA votes.

or you have MAGA folks…who will get the small number of MAGA votes.

Unless you can think of a candidate that appeals to both factions?

Which is the very essence of democracy. Compromise. Neither side likes it, but the job gets done.

So now we may be finding out why Fox News Personalities are attacking loyal, constitutionalist conservatives who are not on board with McCarthy . . . RINO Paul Ryan, who sold out our country countless times and spit on our Constitution while in Congress, could be acting behind the scenes to have conservatives disparaged.


Purity over common sense.

I may piss my fellow “Progs” off- I saw this happen in 2015-16 when the Bernie Bros decided not to vote for Hillary as she was (is) a corporate centrist hack.

But that choice not to vote for her handed the election to Trump which led to the court turning right and Roe v Wade being overturned. Purity politics may have caused abortion to become illegal in half the country.

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An ethical news organization would disclose that a lot.

But it’s Fox, so…

Paul Ryan is a clever snake!

I will never forget when Paul Ryan proposed giving line-item veto power to Obama, especially when our Constitution does not permit such an extraordinary power being placed in the President’s hands.

The irrefutable fact is the veto procedure is laid out in crystal clear language in our Constitution. If the president vetoes a bill it is returned to the House that originated the bill with the president’s objections, and the bill [not parts of the bill which the president doesn’t like] is then to be reconsidered and needs a two thirds vote of that House to override the President’s veto which then requires the bill to be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.

Unfortunately, Paul Ryan is comfortable with taking it upon himself to change the veto procedure outlined in our Constitution and do for the people that which the people have not willingly agreed to do for themselves via our Constitution‘s required amendment process.

Under Ryan’s circumvention of our Constitution, the president is granted extraordinary power to withhold funding for whatever he so desires which not only defies appropriations made by law and undermines the legislative “sausage” making process that created the bill, but as we were warned:

'‘The negative of the governor was constantly made use of to extort money. No good law whatever could be passed without a private bargain with him. An increase of salary or some donation, was always made a condition; till at last, it became the regular practice to have orders in his favor on the treasury presented along with the bills to be signed, so that he might actually receive the former before he should sign the latter. When the Indians were scalping the Western people, and notice of it arrived, the concurrence of the governor in the means of self-defense could not be got, until it was agreed that the people were to fight for the security of his property, whilst he was to have no share of the burdens of taxation.’’ ___ SEE: Benjamin Franklin, June 4 of the Constitutional Convention

Paul Ryan also alleges that “Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 9, Clause 7.” which has nothing to do with the allowable veto power procedure which is articulated in Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2.

Paul Ryan, in my opinion, is a clever snake and part of our GLOBAL GOVERNANCE CROWD


“If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides, that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?”___ Justice Story

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