Maybe We Should Show Some Kindness Now

Trump supporters should be grabbed by the ■■■■■ figuratively.

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I thought it was a well written and honest. Your life experiences may be different but can you not show tolerance for someone else’s? Why participate in a thread about showing kindness if you can only express derision?

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I am sorry that some conservative Americans believe they have no choice other than to believe lies, reject facts, and embrace a man that represents all of our society’s worst qualities. But treating them with kid gloves is not going to fix this situation their proud idiocy and boundless hypocrisy helped create.

I hope their poor decision making hurts them as much as it has hurt our nation. I hope they are marginalized, scorned, and ostracized until they accept what they have done and learn to be better people.

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Hard to respond to someone who is so out of touch with reality when statements like this are asserted. Pretty much discredits your entire essay.

Blaming today’s troubles on alleged attacks on the church, institution of marriage and stay at home mothers is lacking any type of accuracy, if one looks at history from other’s perspectives.

Racial minorities, LGBT, Women, non-Christian religions, and the disabled were basically not included in the American dream you speak of for the last 50+ years. And yes, it is better today…but we are far from a level playing field when it comes to opportunity and the justice/criminal system. And sadly, with corps and the wealthy controlling the government, now even the white males are getting screwed.

The 60’s and 70’s did bring about major changes in America. Mostly for the better.
It certainly caused a lot of tension, as the powerful white men with the power, saw their grip on controlling everything weaken.

You may not see this from your perspective, for whatever reasons. But bluntly put, your personal experiences is not the best place to come to your conclusions.

You end your essay with nice positive thinking, and hoping people will do the right things.

For that to happen, people need to demand that our elected representatives represent the people, and not just the wealthy and well connected.

Electing, and thinking a well connected, rich business man, with no experience in public service, would produce results any thing close to what you would like to happen, was/is naive at best.

Finally…with the multiple guilty pleas, convictions and indictments by Mueller…thinking this administration is not corrupt, is incredibly ignorant.


LOL, Obama is snickered at by worldwide allies and “friends” behind his back.

Trump does not care about making friends, nor should he. He is interested in putting the interests of Americans first.

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Do you have any evidence of this, or is this something that you just made up?

Wonderful post overall but I just wanted to highlight a few things. Those that know they created the lie assume their uninformed and indoctrinated audience will believe, and sadly they do, and it’s done to incite and anger at the expense of the country and the fact that forgotten (& angry) Americans rallied around President Trump peacefully at the ballot box just enrages the masterminds even more and they don’t care if they literally tear this country apart and they continue to incite violence around the country making the “resistance” movement more dangerous then any foreign enemy. It’s insane!!

The corruption of the previous Administration is the likes this country has never seen before and it exposes how close we came to losing the country because if President Trump had not won we would never know how filthy corrupt the DC Swamp really is.

P.S. I’m not sure the TDS resisters are old enough to know the meaning behind the phrase “wheres the beef”. It might even trigger liberal Vegans and Vegetarians since without protein their minds don’t work very well!

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Cool, you have access to the backroom discussions of foreign leaders and governments! Could you please pass these on to the CIA, etc.?

I saw Obama as an appeaser and apologist. More interested in people liking him personally and popularity than putting the interests of the country first. To me, as the greatest country and what we do for others, that is highly embarrassing.


If @Roxie had made the same blanket statement you did, I’d be quoting her.

Superiority complex stands.

Are you suggesting most pols failed in the private sector, then decided working in the public sector would be a better place to be?


We have the government we have, due to the last 30+ years of Republicans successfully trying to weaken it, and by the overwhelming influence of money that has crippled the system, due to a handful of SCOTUS decisions and laws.

Except it is the far left’s agenda which is being figuratively kicked in the teeth and rejected by mainstream Americans.


Do you hate Trump the person or the fact that Americans voted an agenda and felt he was the best means to achieve it given the other candidates available at the time?

I don’t hate Trump.

I think he’s grossly unfit for office.

I think it’s highly likely that he has engaged in illegal activities, and is very susceptible to blackmail.


Do you have any evidence disputing it? Is appeasement and apologies coming from the leader of the greatest nation in history a sign of strength or weakness?

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Do i need evidence to disprove the obviously made up thing you said?

Do you have evidence there isn’t a teapot orbiting the earth?

Human nature, my friend. Obama was great at laying down and showing his underbelly hoping someone would come along and give him a belly rub in what he assumed was bonding moment.

Not really. .dems take back the house you wont be attempting this

As opposed to Trump, who is great at coming into a room, taking a ■■■■ on the carpet, and then being completely inappropriate around the humans in the room.


What is congress’ approval rating? How many have made a life time career in politics? How can anyone who has made a career in politics know anything about the real world?