It’s funny but one day, you wake up, look around and find that you’ve lived longer than most of the population. Personally, I’ve found it to be a cool journey. I remember so much about times gone by that I look back at as positive. Many alive today find that offensive because when they read books, not everyone expressed these positive memories. Since most didn’t live through these times and are getting their information from a book with an agenda, IMO their view today about yesterday is what’s distorted. I will acknowledge though that for over past several decades, the United States government have made laws equalizing the treatment of all. I am for that. I hate hate. I also love my country. If there have been mistakes, they have been small compared to positives that far outweigh them.
I have witnessed incredible opportunities for all that through education, hard work, determination, a sacrifice of the wants of today and a laser focus on a better tomorrow has provided a clear path to an improved socioeconomic outcome. It’s been coined the “American Dream” and no one is prohibited from seeking it regardless of color, sex, religion or anything else. I have seen barriers but for the last 50 years, they are now mostly self inflicted.
During the sixties and seventies our culture began to evolve and what emerged was an internal attack on the institutions of marriage, a stay at home mother and The Church. What has emerged since then are the results and the carnage of the attack. I see divorce, suicide, youth violence, mass murders, many needing government assistance of some sort and a self reflection that they’ve been cheated from the American Dream. I’m seeing two generations now, where many lack the mental tools and internal strength to overcome the difficulties of life itself and so they…yell at the sky.
I voted for Trump but it obviously wasn’t due to his role modeling of marriage or any of the positive human aspects that I admire most. I voted for him to punish the DC that I hold partly responsible for the moral carnage that has infiltrated our culture. The other reason is because the business of our country was being run by those who have never been successful in business. Our politicians have too often been self serving lawyers who have failed at business and are now feeding for a decade or two at the public trough, enriching themselves and those that have financially supported their political career. I can’t even begin to express how much I despise this.
What I’ve witnessed since the election is a status quo from both sides of the aisle that don’t want this to change. It was stated on almost every news outlet in this country that Trump colluded with Putin to get elected. This lie was hammered and hammered and hammered and hammered until one side was so riled, a special prosecutor was formed to investigate this lie. Those that created the lie, knew it was a lie and so they added the wording that allowed the special prosecutor to investigate almost anything else they could turn up along the way. Notice the OP stating how corrupt this Administration is? Really…“where’s the beef”? It’s been stated over and over when indictments are made that they have found no evidence of any Americans colluding with the Russians to alter the course of the election. The person who supposedly kicked off this WHOLE ■■■■■■■ THING was just sentenced to 14 days in jail. Ooooooh…14 days in jail…are you kidding me?
I’ve had two parents who loved me. I’ve had grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins and many friends whom I love and have loved me. They gave/give me strength to pursue the American Dream. I was a wild child but my parents put their foot up my rear and made me focus on my education when my youthful outlook didn’t necessarily coincide with their mature, loving outlook. They were looking out for my best interests and not necessarily their own. The family is the building block of a successful society…period. This isn’t rocket science folks. There is no substitute. Government can not replace two loving parents that each bring with them the essential qualities that when honest with each other, provide the probability of the best outcome for the next generation. Consider the Asian culture and their focus on family and education. They must face the same obstacles as all of us and yet their success here in the US substantiates what I’m attempting to convey.
I realize that my time here on earth is probably limited to the next couple of decades. What I’ve accomplished thus far, I want for all. I believe it can be done. This is what I define as “making America great again” and Trump is IMO, an atypical stepping stone to that end. Stopping illegal immigration, reducing taxes and motivating businesses to produce here in the same market place that they desire to sell their finished product is an economic foundation to our financial success.
It doesn’t stop their though and must continue with education and a strengthening of the family unit for a better tomorrow.
Anything I’ve said here comes from love. I don’t say these things for my betterment. I’ve concluded this from what I’ve observed over decades. I’ve also practiced what I’ve preached and am financially, physically, mentally and spiritually happy. I want all to have a shot at the American Dream but I also know that it has to start with in the basic unit of family. If “we” can’t fix this, “we” will decline as a nation and fade away into the oblivion of history.
I believe that somehow, we must get all of our children educated. If those that brought these children into the world aren’t accomplishing this, then something new and innovative must step in and assist these innocents. This is a problem that must be studied further. I see the waywardness of our youth getting worse as “we” further distance ourselves from God and don’t remedy this problem. There is a reason that our nation adopted, “in God we trust”.
If we are to grow as a nation, it must come from with in each of us to give our best efforts. The pride of personal accomplishments can never be replaced by attempting to look down on others. One must personally use their resources to climb and reach for a better place but not to put others down. Feeling better about yourself by putting others down is one of the weakest mental states I’ve ever witnessed and what is being suggested in the OP.
Open your eyes people and recognize where “we” have been, where “we” are and where “we” want to be? Our resources are limited and must first be applied for the betterment of United States citizens. When “we” strengthen “we” and set our course back on the right track, only then will “we” have the additional resources necessary to help others from around the globe.