Maybe We Should Show Some Kindness Now

68% support stronger gun restrictions
70% support Single payer healthcare
62% support labor unions
70% Support raising the federal min wage
70% believe climate change is real
76% strongly agree and/or somewhat agree taxes should be higher for the wealthy.

Cons oppose all of those progressive ideas,

A career politician, who is doing a good job, is bad? Most worked in the private sector, then got involved in politics. If someone is in the (pick a profession) for a long time, they are usually pretty good at it.

Pols, if not doing a good job, can get fired every 2-6 years, depending what office they hold.

Are you for campaign/legislation finance reform, to get money out of the processes?

I don’t hate him either, nor do I hate Obama or Hillary…

I think it is highly likely they ALL have engaged in illegal activities, including those who sit in congress. What Hillary did with the foundation she created for Haitians went way beyond the pale for me.

It is a matter of degrees as to who you can hold your nose and vote for these days.

If it turns out that Trump has laundered money, would you still support him?

See post 62

Attempting what?

So, you are likening the person Americans voted for to an animal? Thus, all Americans who voted for Trump are animals?

Is there any possibility the press core has a photo of what you are creating a verbal picture of?

Or is this just hyperbole based on opinion?

Yes. But Trump is not one. And Trump only cares about himself. He is not a step forward. I mean I get that you love Trump, he is a good Messiah for Onama haters.

You’ll have to check to see who I was responding to. They said this:

Nice projection you have going on.

Also, remember that this conversation started with you making up something ENTIRELY out of thin air, and then you asked me if I had any evidence to show that you were wrong.

America rejecting crap…people dont like the far right either…


That is why Trump was elected. Apparently the stats are in direct conflict with reality.

Of course you did. After all that’s how Fox and the radio painted it. Apparently being an adult and conversing rationally is “being an appeaser”.

Perception is reality.

Common, Cali, really?

We can play “what if” games all day. What is the relevance in playing what if?

Trying to find your line. I guess we’re just going have to wait until the time comes to see where you stand.

Btw, I would much rather play what if games, rather than the usual name calling that goes on around here. We all have different activities which we enjoy to engage in.

I dunno. I don’t really have any sympathy for trumpists. He build his candidacy on being an ■■■■■■■■ And his fervent supporters want him to be an ■■■■■■■■ So no reason to show them any kindness.

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Look at speeches. How many times does Trump speak as “we” versus Obama referencing himself?

Trump is not a step forward but a step in keeping our country from moving in the wrong direction.

That’s a good talking point. If you’re a trumpist

As dr evil would say…riiiggghhhtttt

This is simply not true!

What is it with liberals who think the American dream begins and ends in the bedroom, it actually degrades homosexuals and lesbians that leftist progressive liberals focus on the LBGT sexually lifestyle rather then their accomplishments and contributions to society, it’s more important for heterosexual white male leftists to turn gays into militant bullies rather then out of the closet and into mainstream society.

And there has always been freedom of religion in this country, it’s the reason the pilgrims came here in the first place and the United States is sill the most religion diverse country in the world. It’s absurd to say otherwise. Same for the disabled and there have been accommodations for the deaf, the blind and the crippled since the 19th century and we are getting better all the time so to say otherwise is another absurdity.

And don’t get me started on women whom those same same hetero white male liberal leftists are hell meant on degrading the female gender to the point that the current batch of feminists parade about with costumes and hats displaying their private parts (there’s that liberal sex obsession again) to the point the only thing feminists care about these days is killing babies in the womb. There is no mention of the pioneer women, early American teachers, the suffragettes or the women in the 19th century who ventured into law, medicine and other fields that men dominated who really “broke” the glass ceiling.

And the only racism running rampant in the country today is LIBERALISM! Liberals just can’t let it go and are again “hell bent” on identity politics to bring down this nation.

There is nothing positive or progressive about what liberals have done in the past 50 years its nothing but degradation and digression.