Maxine Waters, Face of democrat party

Waters if the face of the Uranium One deal. Do you think she’s worried about the current investigation into Uranium One?

She’s terrified! They’re all terrified, from Obama all the way down to the lowliest DEMOCRAT voter! Donald is coming for you, Deep State!

Covfefe! Freeberty! :us:

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Amen brother these sickos don’t have a chance!
These sick freaks have reservations at Gitmo!

Get 'em, Donald! Loyal Americans everywhere seek your strong moral guidance and political acumen to deliver us from the evils of Deep State collusion machinations!

They put a US citizen in Gitmo and I’ll be marching on Washington.

They will lose their citizenship.

Tom Fitton nailed it.

Totally nailed it! Deep State DEMOCRATS are involved in high treason against the Chosen One and therefore America, and will be brought to justice in the Mother of All Criminal Investigations/Trials in the history of probably ever!

Like me, do you wonder why Donald is allowing this to drag on? He has more than enough to put these criminals away for life, after all. Far be it from me to question the political skill of our Great POTUS, I just hope he moves soon before Obama and his criminal cabal can hurt America more than they already have!

What percentage of Americans know who Maxine Waters is? 5%? Less?

It started with the report on Comey now McCabe is looking at being indicted for lying then the fisa abuse investigation results come out.
You got anything to add?

Maxine Waterhead? Yeah, she doesn’t get the press she deserves, wonder why?

Uranium One will make her famous!

Vast left-wing conspiracy? The media!?! Most Americans don’t pay close attention to politics. People can’t even name their own representatives, you expect them to know what’s going on in other states?

You really like that one.

Use it wisely.

“Millenials” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I know. But sadly, the children are our future.

That is sad.

Yes, and on behalf of my generation, again my apologies.

Nothing except Deep State Russian cullusion hoax criminal cabal Nuremberg justice! Let’s get 'em for America, Donald!

Thanks. People are ignorant of the fact that DEMOCRATS do all sorts of DEMOCRAT things, so it’s important work you do exposing DEMOCRATS being DEMOCRATS.